I've looked on sierra's home page and have found no reference to patches or
I've looked on sierra's home page and have found no reference to patches or
I have 2 CL V2s and the only times GPL locked (and gave me a scrambled
video) was after I played with the clock speed (increased it to 100mz
as I have coolers on both V2s) in the control panel. I reset it back
to default (93mz?) and the freezes went away. I assume you have the
older glide .dlls in the GPL folder else it wouldn't work to begin
with, so other than that I dun't know..
G. Patricks
% I've looked on sierra's home page and have found no reference to patches or
% problems.
If this happens mostly when in the menu or option pages, you may need to
resort back to the 2.53 Glide drivers for GPL. You can do this by
putting the following file in your GPL main folder.
If it is freezing up while on the track, you may have your Voodoo2
overclocked. Try lowering the clock rate. Or you may have the screen
saver or the monitor set to power saving mode.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Steve, I was having the same problerm with GPL after I upgraded to a Maxigamer
V2 card. I installed a Voodoo 2 fan set from last week and, so
far, no more lockups.
Good Luck!
The solution is to find an older version of Glide (version 2.53 to be exact)
and then place that in your GPL directory.
Here's the link to download it:
Once you've downloaded it, unzip it into your c:\sierra\gpl directory. From
then on, GPL will use it instead of the newer driver. This won't affect any
other games you may have, only GPL.
Good luck,
> I've looked on sierra's home page and have found no reference to patches or
> problems.
> Thanks
> Steve