been screwing around trying different controller combinations, and
tonight settled back whence I started: a T1 wheel and CH pedals. After
two days of frustration, I figured I'd had enough and set down to the
business of making time. It appeared, after an hour of running at
Elkhart, that I'd permanently lost 3 seconds on my lap times. Top speed
on straights were down 20 mph, from 206 entering T1, down to 187 on a
"good" run. I switched chassis, engines, gear ratios, drove different
lines, killed some more wing, etc. This didn't change the top end one
tiny bit. (That in itself is an amazing result.)
On a lark, I recalibrated the controls, and short changed the pedal
movement on the pedals by about 5%. Top speed immediately climbed to 208
at the end of the front straight, and everyone else stopped honking at
me to get outa the way. Overall, I gained 2 mph by cutting the wings
and a slightly taller 6th gear (I think). The carousel is a bit more
twitchy for my having done so, but I'm glad I went through this
I notice I'm getting a mild glitch near the bottom of movement for the
gas pedal. The Win95 joystick test program shows the position
value peaking some small distance before the end of throw, and then
dropping a few points when the pedal reaches bottom. The pedals are
relatively new, less than 2 months old. Is this a common problem for CH
pedals? BTW, is anybody using the CH pedals in car mode with ICR or NCR?
The brakes work, but gas doesn't for me. I'm stuck using airplane mode
for ICR.