> I've read all the post of people praising the GPL demo and I'm not so
> sure that it isn't due to anticipation rather than reality. I agree
> that this could become a clasic but the bottom line is that it falls
> drastically short of other sims(GP2, ICR2 & NASCAR2) when it comes to
> a
> sense of speed. Be honest, there is almost no, I say again "NO"
> sense
> of speed and very little realistic closure rates. Of course this is
> only MHO. I think it can be great and I realize this is a pre-beta
> but
> "It Aint There Yet" and if they don't solve this it it will only
> appeal
> to the diehards.
I may be the only other person here to agree with you, but none the
less I do. I feel that these cars are way to slow to be fun to drive.
For some reason papy seems to want to make every sim BUT a return to
cart, the fastest cars in the world. They seem to pick slower and
slower cars to simulate each time. Whats next, Flinstones cars? I went
back to GP2 last night after playing GPL an Im like, "Woa! The car
actually turns and has good horse power and brakes!"
I am pretty sure they won't do this, but IMO it would be nice to see
the grip levels raised just slightly, enough to make the cars about 5 to
7 sec faster per lap would make it much more fun, if slightly
unrealistic. It should be noted that the fastest lap in the race that
year was about 1:05 and people with the demo are running about 1:10 at
best now. Assuming people get about five seconds faster, it would be
nice IMO to see the final laps just a hair better than one min.
Also I should say that the new physics (virtual***pit movement ect)
and grafx optimization are A+. I just wish they picked faster cars to
use it with.
p.s. the calib route was really nice also, I commend papy for doing what
Microshit should have long ago, i.e. fixing DirectInput