> > ...slicks ...make a squealing noise when pushed
> > beyond the limit...
> I think the original discussion years back was rather whether they
> squeal as loud and as early as they do in Papy's sims.
> Then the argument changed, as usually I'm tempted to say, as the
> discussion went on. Like the discussion about braking and being on the
> throttle at the same time, where loads of people said you couldn't do it
> for various reasons (because it ruined the brakes or whatever), then
> Schumacher's telemetry proved that he does it all the time and all of a
> sudden everybody had always exclusively claimed that you couldn't have
> done it in GPL cars - or something like that <g>
> Anyway, we need exaggerated and premature tire squeal in sims, no matter
> whether the real tires do it, simply to make up some for the seat of
> pants feeling we don't have in sims.
> Achim
becomes a "driving aid" that can be enabled or disabled, we NEED audio
feedback from the tyres to tell us what's going on in a racing sim.
Lose the audible tyre feedback and you're heading dangerously close to
the "arcade" realm, IMO.
-- JB