V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?
Have you looked at: http://members.aol.com/snakeracin/snake/v2x00.htm
This points to www.bjorn3d.com for the icr2_v2k.zip file.
Worked fine on my v2200, not sure about a v2100.
My "reply" e-mail address has been changed to
deter spammers. My real address is:
scanguy "at" home "dot" com
>Have you looked at: http://members.aol.com/snakeracin/snake/v2x00.htm
>This points to www.bjorn3d.com for the icr2_v2k.zip file.
>Worked fine on my v2200, not sure about a v2100.
-- JB (happy Stealth II S220 user)
>-- JB (happy Stealth II S220 user)
>>Anyone had any luck running the Diamond Stealth 2 s220 (rendition Verite
>>V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?
-- JB
>>-- JB (happy Stealth II S220 user)
>>>Anyone had any luck running the Diamond Stealth 2 s220 (rendition Verite
>>>V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?
>-- JB
Personally, I still have an older v1k card, so I don't have the means
to test a suitable v2k version. I hope to get a Herc-card soon, tho.
In the meantime, if you can patch a stock-v1k.exe for v2k, then send it
my way and I'll make the needed changes for future TSP stuff. =)
> Unfortunately, I couldn't get much more than the dos version
> to run with the irl patch. I must say from that experience, the update
> looks and sounds very good. However, the ol DSII stuff still seems
> to be there, if trying to run irlfast.bat from win95 you just get a black
> screen with the mixedup colors on the top border...(games is running, you
> can cycle through the menu's and hear the car engine when you get to
> practice.) But no visuals. Tried IRLsafe.bat and did(once) get it running,
> but with the scrambled mirrors and blocky upper dash/windscreen. And, after
> about 3 laps the test around Atlanta locked up. (this could be due to a
> flakey 2nd sound card I'm messing with right now...but the dos version ran
> flawlessly...(except for that dang mouse button trying to take over all the
> control assignments.)
> I'll email the THe Sim Project folks and see if they are attempting to
> make the patch more friendly for the V2k folks..
> There might even be a couple of new problems with the Rendition version,
> as the V2dosfix.exe program couldn't sucessfully patch the
> irl.exe file. So while I"m hopeful that something, someday, can be done to
> fix that V2k problem with CART/ICR2....I'm not holding my breath...
* Switch confused.net with concentric.net to reply...Confused-yet? *
>-- JB
>> Took a quick look at that page, aside from some rather
>>questionable subject matter :) , I didn't see anything that would
>>help get ICR2 up and running on a Stealth II.,
>>dave henrie
>>>The MOST foolproof patch I've seen yet is on the Simproject's IRL
>>>-- JB (happy Stealth II S220 user)
>>>>Anyone had any luck running the Diamond Stealth 2 s220 (rendition Verite
>>>>V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?
> Now that we have your attention....Finish up the CART98 carset for
> your new bodies....!!!!!
Wouldn't that be something?! =)
In mapping the images to the nose, which car do you think I used for
testing? ;) I think I was the first to come out with a decent version
of the original Eagle just after ICR2 was released (Sierra liked enough
to use it in their site banners!<g>), and has always been a personal
(painting) subject.
BTW, the index page of Racer (Oct.98) has an excellent shot of the new
Eagle-987. Ooooh - yummy! =)
Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project - http://www.simproject.com/
Extinct Track Archive - http://www.simproject.com/eta/
* Switch confused.net with concentric.net to reply...Confused-yet? *
I don't know if I like the change to blue for the front wing, but it's
still a fine looking car.
I'd read elsewhere that if Gurney doesn't find success with this new
987 car, he's going to call it quits. That would be a sad day for
Neil Yeatman
Ajax, Ontario, CANADA
> Ya know, I "thought" I used to have a carset with a decent eagle on the
> snout. But the last few times I re-installed and dloaded the
> newer paintjobs, just a little yellow swipe on the top. Was I dreaming?
> ;)
> dave henrie
Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project - http://www.simproject.com/
Extinct Track Archive - http://www.simproject.com/eta/
* Switch confused.net with concentric.net to reply...Confused-yet? *