ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220


ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by News » Thu, 17 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Anyone had any luck running the Diamond Stealth 2 s220 (rendition Verite
V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?


Tim McCauslan

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by Tim McCauslan » Fri, 18 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have tried every scenario/patch/configuration and can not get it to work
with my P166MMX and S220.

>Anyone had any luck running the Diamond Stealth 2 s220 (rendition Verite
>V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?


Chuck Anderse

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by Chuck Anderse » Fri, 18 Sep 1998 04:00:00

: Anyone had any luck running the Diamond Stealth 2 s220 (rendition Verite
: V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?

Have you looked at:

This points to for the file.
Worked fine on my v2200, not sure about a v2100.

Paul Eigst

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by Paul Eigst » Sat, 19 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Or.... you can try the zip file on my web site, instead of making all the
modifications yourself.  It is made for ICR2, not CART, but I think it works
for that version as well.  :-)


My "reply" e-mail address has been changed to
deter spammers.  My real address is:
scanguy "at" home "dot" com

>: Anyone had any luck running the Diamond Stealth 2 s220 (rendition Verite
>: V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?

>Have you looked at:

>This points to for the file.
>Worked fine on my v2200, not sure about a v2100.

Dave Henri

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by Dave Henri » Sat, 19 Sep 1998 04:00:00

  yes it can be done, but you will need some files.  go to
and look for ICR2 files
there are several.  Including a batch file and a dos file to fix the card
reporting as a V2k.  Read the
hints and check back in.
  Good luck
dave henrie

>Anyone had any luck running the Diamond Stealth 2 s220 (rendition Verite
>V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?


John Bod

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by John Bod » Sat, 19 Sep 1998 04:00:00

The MOST foolproof patch I've seen yet is on the Simproject's IRL


-- JB  (happy Stealth II S220 user)

>Anyone had any luck running the Diamond Stealth 2 s220 (rendition Verite
>V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?

Dave Henri

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by Dave Henri » Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:00:00

  Took a quick look at that page, aside from some rather
questionable subject matter :) , I didn't see anything that would
help get ICR2 up and running on a Stealth II.,
dave henrie

>The MOST foolproof patch I've seen yet is on the Simproject's IRL



>-- JB  (happy Stealth II S220 user)

>>Anyone had any luck running the Diamond Stealth 2 s220 (rendition Verite
>>V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?


John Bod

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by John Bod » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

The IRL patch also includes new executables for V2x00 support -- it
allows you to run the TSP "IRL" version, or the old familiar ICR2
version, and it took care of all the Rendition problems I was having
with my V2100 Stealth II S220.  So, despite the "questionable" subject
matter, I highly recommend that even CART fans should give Marc's
efforts a shot, especially if they own a V2x00 Rendition board.

-- JB

>  Took a quick look at that page, aside from some rather
>questionable subject matter :) , I didn't see anything that would
>help get ICR2 up and running on a Stealth II.,
>dave henrie

>>The MOST foolproof patch I've seen yet is on the Simproject's IRL



>>-- JB  (happy Stealth II S220 user)

>>>Anyone had any luck running the Diamond Stealth 2 s220 (rendition Verite
>>>V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?


Dave Henri

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by Dave Henri » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

  Thanks for the extra info...I'll be taking another look at it soon.
dave...(who has a broken wheel at the moment  ;(   )

>The IRL patch also includes new executables for V2x00 support -- it
>allows you to run the TSP "IRL" version, or the old familiar ICR2
>version, and it took care of all the Rendition problems I was having
>with my V2100 Stealth II S220.  So, despite the "questionable" subject
>matter, I highly recommend that even CART fans should give Marc's
>efforts a shot, especially if they own a V2x00 Rendition board.

>-- JB

Marc J. Nelso

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by Marc J. Nelso » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

The IRL patch is specifically for those with the older v1k boards, but
should work OK with the v2k patch.  The 3D version was never intended
to run under Win95, BTW.

Personally, I still have an older v1k card, so I don't have the means
to test a suitable v2k version.  I hope to get a Herc-card soon, tho.

In the meantime, if you can patch a stock-v1k.exe for v2k, then send it
my way and I'll make the needed changes for future TSP stuff.  =)



>    Unfortunately, I couldn't get much more than the dos version
> to run with the irl patch.  I must say from that experience, the update
> looks and sounds very good.  However, the ol DSII stuff still seems
> to be there, if trying to run irlfast.bat from win95 you just get a black
> screen with the mixedup colors on the top border...(games is running, you
> can cycle through the menu's and hear the car engine when you get to
> practice.)  But no visuals.  Tried IRLsafe.bat and did(once) get it running,
> but with the scrambled mirrors and blocky upper dash/windscreen.  And, after
> about 3 laps the test around Atlanta locked up.  (this could be due to a
> flakey 2nd sound card I'm messing with right now...but the dos version ran
> flawlessly...(except for that dang mouse button trying to take over all the
> control assignments.)
>   I'll email the THe Sim Project folks and see if they are attempting to
> make the patch more friendly for the V2k folks..
>   There might even be a couple of new problems with the Rendition version,
> as the V2dosfix.exe program couldn't sucessfully patch the
> irl.exe file.  So while I"m hopeful that something, someday, can be done to
> fix that V2k problem with CART/ICR2....I'm not holding my breath...

Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -
Extinct Track Archive -

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Dave Henri

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by Dave Henri » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

   Unfortunately, I couldn't get much more than the dos version
to run with the irl patch.  I must say from that experience, the update
looks and sounds very good.  However, the ol DSII stuff still seems
to be there, if trying to run irlfast.bat from win95 you just get a black
screen with the mixedup colors on the top border...(games is running, you
can cycle through the menu's and hear the car engine when you get to
practice.)  But no visuals.  Tried IRLsafe.bat and did(once) get it running,
but with the scrambled mirrors and blocky upper dash/windscreen.  And, after
about 3 laps the test around Atlanta locked up.  (this could be due to a
flakey 2nd sound card I'm messing with right now...but the dos version ran
flawlessly...(except for that dang mouse button trying to take over all the
control assignments.)
  I'll email the THe Sim Project folks and see if they are attempting to
make the patch more friendly for the V2k folks..
  There might even be a couple of new problems with the Rendition version,
as the V2dosfix.exe program couldn't sucessfully patch the
irl.exe file.  So while I"m hopeful that something, someday, can be done to
fix that V2k problem with CART/ICR2....I'm not holding my breath...

>The IRL patch also includes new executables for V2x00 support -- it
>allows you to run the TSP "IRL" version, or the old familiar ICR2
>version, and it took care of all the Rendition problems I was having
>with my V2100 Stealth II S220.  So, despite the "questionable" subject
>matter, I highly recommend that even CART fans should give Marc's
>efforts a shot, especially if they own a V2x00 Rendition board.

>-- JB

>>  Took a quick look at that page, aside from some rather
>>questionable subject matter :) , I didn't see anything that would
>>help get ICR2 up and running on a Stealth II.,
>>dave henrie

>>>The MOST foolproof patch I've seen yet is on the Simproject's IRL



>>>-- JB  (happy Stealth II S220 user)

>>>>Anyone had any luck running the Diamond Stealth 2 s220 (rendition Verite
>>>>V2100) with the Rendition version of CART Racing (aka ICR2)?


Dave Henri

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by Dave Henri » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

  Now that we have your attention....Finish up the CART98 carset for
your new bodies....!!!!!   if you have to get Earl Ma or somebody to
spray paint....   :)
   One question...I beleive your site said the noses are paintable now, does
that mean the All American Racers Eagle can have a proper
nose job now???????
dave henrie

>The IRL patch is specifically for those with the older v1k boards, but
>should work OK with the v2k patch.  The 3D version was never intended

Marc J. Nelso

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by Marc J. Nelso » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>   Now that we have your attention....Finish up the CART98 carset for
> your new bodies....!!!!!

Right away sir!!

Wouldn't that be something?!  =)

In mapping the images to the nose, which car do you think I used for
testing?  ;)  I think I was the first to come out with a decent version
of the original Eagle just after ICR2 was released (Sierra liked enough
to use it in their site banners!<g>), and has always been a personal
(painting) subject.

BTW, the index page of Racer (Oct.98) has an excellent shot of the new
Eagle-987.  Ooooh - yummy!  =)



Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -
Extinct Track Archive -

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Neil Yeatma

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by Neil Yeatma » Fri, 25 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> I'm primarily an IRL guy, but the paint job on the AAR Ealges makes me
> wish Gurney was making chassis for the IRL!!!!

Well...according to the October issue of Racer magazine, the new car
has Reynard mechanicals and gearbox.  His car design is pretty much
just the bodywork.

I don't know if I like the change to blue for the front wing, but it's
still a fine looking car.

I'd read elsewhere that if Gurney doesn't find success with this new
987 car, he's going to call it quits.  That would be a sad day for


Neil Yeatman          
Ajax, Ontario, CANADA

Marc J. Nelso

ICR2 & Stealth 2 s220

by Marc J. Nelso » Fri, 25 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>   Ya know, I "thought" I used to have a carset with a decent eagle on the
> snout.  But the last few times I re-installed and dloaded the
> newer paintjobs, just a little yellow swipe on the top.  Was I dreaming?
> ;)
> dave henrie

I did the best I could with what little space available, but what I
had most fun with was painting the sides to look like the ones on the
original eagle (cut-back).  =)



Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -
Extinct Track Archive -

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