David G Fisher wrote:
> "Pat Dotson" <pdot...@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> > The phrase "same old" makes me thing of
> > people like Remco, Marty U'ren, John
> > Wallace, and others. They have evidently
> > permanently kill-filed you because they
> > never respond to you anymore.
> Did they tell you that during one of your VROC chats? Thankfully, only a few
> more to go. You too soon I hope. Didn't you promise me long ago that you
> wouldn't be reading any more of my posts?
No. I noticed all on my own that they
don't respond to you, just by looking
at this newsgroup.
I managed to quit reading your posts
for a while, but when you started
talking about F12K, I decided to
have a look. The funny thing is that
you actually made sense in a few of
> For anyone who cares, Pat portrayed me as the devil in disguise two years
> ago when I committed the unforgivable sin of <gasp> insisting that CPR had
> some excellent qualities. I helped quite a few people with setups and
> controller issues. Pat couldn't get his controller to work well at all, and
> took his frustration out on me in front of this newsgroup.
> Now, he's back to save r.a.s. from me all over again.
"Devil in disguise"? That sounds
entertaining. Do you still have a
copy of that post - I'd like to
read it.
If controller settings were the
only part of CRP that was lacking,
people might still be playing it.
It has so many flaws that it's not
funny. As far as I remember, the
only thing even above average in
CPR was the sound.
> > In this news group, for the past year,
> > you have been Mr. RC2000.
> Your buddy Remco accused me of hyping F12000 just a couple of weeks ago. So
> am I Mr. RC2000 or Mr. F12000? Or am I simply guilty of liking too many
> sims?
I've been more of a "Mr. F12000" than
just about anyone lately, but that
doesn't change the way you hyped
RC 2000 for months on end.
> > That's a king-size straw man. Who is this
> > fictitious person with a "ridiculous
> > allegiance to any one developer"? I
> > haven't seen any here.
> No, there's no Papyrus fan club here.
Sure there is a Papyrus fan club. They
have consistenly made good sims. But
your characterization of those people as
having a "ridiculous allegiance to...
one developer", is plain nuts. Everyone
wants GP3 to be better than GPL. Everyone
wants WSC to be better than GPL. Everyone
even wanted F12K to be better than GPL.
So far, nothing has been better than GPL.
> > Commenting that a supposed sim does not
> > model physics to the extent that GPL does,
> > does not constitute "advise" (or advice, for
> > those watching at home).
> They say a hell of a lot more than "a supposed sim does not
> model physics to the extent that GPL does". If you've been reading this
> newsgroup at all the past few weeks, or even this thread, you've seen that
> quite a few people besides myself are sick of what GPL fans have to say.
Quite a few people are sick of what you
have to say too, in case you didn't notice.
They tend not to go after you personally,
though, and try to reason with you, as
opposed to the way you insult them for
<gasp> thinking that GPL is the most
realistic sim.
(Note: I intentionally use the word
"thinking", as opposed to "having the
opinion", because the GPL afficionado
can back up his opinions with fact)
> Thanks for correcting my spelling. You've proven your briliance to us all.
Anytime, pal, though it's not difficult
to do when conversing with you.
> > You've taken leave from your senses again.
> > I've seen a lot of guys on here who have said that
> > they've tried GPL again recently, after not
> > caring for it when released, who are hooked.
> > How did anyone have to sell 500,000 copies of
> > anything for that to happen?
> Seem like the same names to me.
Then you haven't been paying attention,
have you?
> > How does doing a fast lap make GPL less
> > realistic? 1:28 is not that fast.
> Under the conditions I described, yes, it is fast. I don't have a million
> laps under my belt like most of the GPL die-hards do. If the physics were as
> amazingly realistic as I've been told, then I, and my neighbor, shouldn't
> come close to those times. However advanced the physics model is, it's still
> not any more realistic than many other racing games I've tried.
I repeat, how does the ability to
do a fast lap, even without a lot
of practice, make GPL less realistic?
(waiting for a coherent, and well
reasoned answer, which would be
completely out of character)
> > I get the point. Yes, the point is you are
> > hopelessly biased against GPL, and it is your
> > crusade to somehow prove that it's not worthy.
> Who told you? Actually, I've said many, many times that it's an excellent
> sim. It simulates the '67 F1 season very well. That's all it does. BTW,
> computer sims are not THAT important in the big picture of life, so you'll
> just have to trust me when I say that I am not on any "crusade" to destroy
> GPL. Thanks for the laugh.
I need to clarify. Your crusade is not
to destroy GPL. You've been mildly
complimentary toward it in some regards.
You crusade is against anyone who thinks
it is even remotely more realistic than
YOU are willing to give it credit for.
I characterize your quest as a "crusade",
because of the seemingly limitless time
and energy you put into pursuing it.
> > I don't know. Same reason I beta test for
> > six different developers? You are going
> > to have to try harder to impress us.
> I could care less about impressing whoever "us" is. Is "us" the GPL fan
> club?
"Us" is the same "us" to whom I so
blithely demonstrated my "briliance"
to earlier. Namely, the readers of
this newsgroup.
> The reason I mention my beta testing is that developers have told me
> that they could care less about what the GPL zealots have to say about sims
> (they've heard it all), and tend to avoid r.a.s. all together. Among other
> things, they ask for unbiased feedback, which I give them. If one
> particular group of people here at r.a.s don't like my opinions, then that's
> probably a good thing.
It *is* A Good Thing that people here
don't like your opinions, because if
everyone agreed with you, we might get
more sims with excellent qualities like
> > That's because you don't constantly and incessantly
> > rail against the users of "SCGT, MGPRS2, DTR,
> > RC2000, GP500, GP2, SBK2000, F12000", the
> > way you do at the slightest expression of
> > opinion that GPL might be the best sim
> > available.
> Cnstantly and incessantly? A slight exaggertion.
A reasonable man could reasonably conclude
that 13 posts to this one thread, in the past
12 hours, borders on "constantly and
> I don't rail against the
> others because there is never any reason to.
The others don't claim that any of the
other sims are as realistic as GPL
because they know better.
> GPL die hards are so damn
> sensitive to what people like me say for some reason, and there's nothing I
> can do to control that. Simply not agreeing to their declaration of GPL as
> superior to all other sims sends them into a fit. Look now many of you kids
> responded to my post in just this thread.
You would like to be able to control it
though, wouldn't you? I like how you
label the reasoned and polite responses
the "kids" in this thread gave to you
as a "fit".
> > > I give
> > > newcomers advise which encourages them to look at the positives of
> various
> > > sims, instead of trying to drag them into the the "cult of GPL".
> > So now we are all cultists? You are so
> > predictable.
> That was not to be taken literally. Since you are so smart and are able to
> correct my spelling, I thought you'd understand.
What I understand is that you are again
using inciteful rhetoric to accuse your
opponents of being idiots, and then you
wonder why they seem "so damn sensitive".
> > I think I just saw Janet Reno out in the
> > yard.
> I guess she finally escaped from your room? She's not my type, but I do hope
> you can convince her to come back to you.
It would be far easier to convince her
to hop in the sack, than to convince
you to listen to reason.
Pat Dotson
IMPACT Motorsports