Hey Papy, Great game!
I have one problem with the whole thing. I have changed the cars (Using
the fantastic IWCCCARS artwork) and I have now completed my field. I
also have a friend who has IDENTICAL cars, matched; and we each have our
own cars for our refrence of "who's who".
Now the problem is that when my friend calls me I am In my car (#50) and
he appears in his car (#1). But on my friends system, he is driving Car
MY car (#50) and I am in his (#1).. Why is this happening? Is this
My list is with my name first, and his name second; and his name is
first on his list, and then followed by my name. (then the rest of the
field is identical on both machines) I was told that this is the way a
MULTI race list must be in order to work properly.
Can anyone tell me if I am doing something wrong? I hope I am, because
its a real shame, The numbers and names appear correctly durring "chat
mode" why would the graphics be diffrent from one machine to another.
(I.E. one works correctly, the other is backwards.)
I am going absoulutly crazy trying to figure this thing out!
Again thanks PAPPY/Sierra! It's wonderful to get a new change once in a
while! (Your efforts are great!) -And I CAN live long enough to get the
patches!- <G>
Praise the gods above for the IWCCCARS team! You guys really make the
game come to life with the authentic car paint jobs!