To further update the problem.
When I go to the calibrate screen, I have two axes. When I push the right
lever, axis 2 moves the left, and vice versa for pushing the left paddle.
After calibrating the wheel, I then assign the controls. When I try to
assign the levers to accel and brake, they cancel each other out.
The only way I can do it is to use the buttons on the wheel (not a good idea
Any hints?
Glenn Beaumaris
"I believe in God-After All Helen Hunt Exists"
The Quote of 1997:
"The first thing you notice is her spirit and her talent, then her beauty
hits you, and you're like, 'Well, excuse me, but she's gorgeous!' You don't
even notice what she's wearing because her aura dominates. That's true
>Hi All
>I just bought the full version of GPL.
>Only one problem. I use the Thrustmaster GP1 steering wheel, and have
>noticed that I cannot use the paddles behind the wheel for the throttle and
>In the demo, the wheel worked fine.
>Any ideas?
>Glenn Beaumaris
>"I believe in God-After All Helen Hunt Exists"
>The Quote of 1997:
>"The first thing you notice is her spirit and her talent, then her beauty
>hits you, and you're like, 'Well, excuse me, but she's gorgeous!' You
>even notice what she's wearing because her aura dominates. That's true