Somewhere it was written that Grand Prix Legends by Papyrus will allow
the player to look left and right while driving. Apparently this will
be implemented so, that when a button or key is pushed, the wiev will
begin so shift to the desired direction, and upon release it
(immediately?) centers. If this is going to be vital game function, one
obviously has to be able to control it without taking hands off from the
steering wheel.
My question: If I by a TSW, will I be able to control viewing with
the paddle shifters and gears with the gear column, or are the switches
internally wired to present only two joystick buttons? I expect, that
the sofware will be flexible enough. How about ECCI? Does it have
enough buttons?
Of course, it may turn out, that while racing one doesn't have time to
mess with this kind of things. By the way, I think the ideal way to
control head panning might be with wheel mounted analog controllers,
like those in Thrustmaster GP1.