My "GPL" steering ratio fix
Hi group,
I have a possible steering fix for some people. I recently made my own wheel
and pedals and was unhappy with the performance in N2.(GPL was perfect for me)
I tried many things including upgrading my processer to a 233MMX. Believe me
when I say I tried lots of stuff.
The steering set to "wheel" was too harsh, and set to "Joystick/keyboard" was
too mushy.
I finally added a balance pot to the wheel so i could pinpoint the wheel
center on the fly. This helped and i settled on a balance pot of 50k ohms.
That's half of the wheel pot 100k ohms.
What finaly worked for me, is calibrating with the 50k balance pot giving the
wheel a 2:1 ratio. (Just cheeting by turning the wheel half diddn't work.) Then
I use the joystick/keyboard setting and setting the wheel lock much higher, it
give me the lesser center sensitivity of "Joystick/keyboard" with the faster
curve off center like using "wheel".
It's not hard to do this, just hard to explain. I wish I could type and write
better to explain this, If anyone has questions I could try to help.
YMMV, Dave