> My system is P-200, Herc-128 and 32Mb SDRAM - it runs perfectly at 25fps
> with half graphics loaded so I'm not sure of the origin of that factoid
> of yours. With a P-Pro 200 it's even smoother. You know what DOESN'T run
> well on my system with all graphics on - NASCAR, and that's waaaaay
> older than GP2.
Sorry John, I shoulda given more info, That statement was refering to
the framerate tested at
Monaco. (My favorite track and the only track that ,to me, shows more
detail than ICR2). I have a p200 w/mill4meg/lastest triton board,intel
chipset ,512 cache, 32 meg. Also It depend on what you agree
Half detail is- i.e. smoke and high object detail raise the CPU
occupancy higher than, say curbs,
fenses, verges, etc.
Well I dont know where "elsewhere" is, but I'm sure WE both know if I
was "elsewhere" I would have been happy to give my 2 cents worth
Gp1 used 1 sided bitmaps instead of polyed models(like ICR1) and the
handling felt like I was playing on the ol' Atari 2600, almost reminded
me of Formula 1 at the arcade.
ICR2 ,again to me, was much more convincing and the replay option was
great, I wont even comment on GP1's replay.
Well I dont think we have to take a vote, From what I've read, 9 outa 10
dentists say ICR2 was more of a "SIM"
than GP1.
A figure of speech.
Your actually one of the few that are saying its acceptable!
You are absolutely correct!, Not with people who settle for something
thats not complete.
Yeah, unfortunatly, they cant hit the ball much less a homerun!
is by far the best sim AND arcade racer around at the moment,
Best? What is Best? We will never have the the best sim and in
best something for one group!!
Unfortunately, they bought it not knowing what they were in for. Thats
why their shouting!
If they kept quiet then it will happen again and again, evidently
Microprose could care less!
Well be sure next time you "talk" to them, you let them know that the
of the serious racing fraternity does not accept modem links that chop
already "contreversal" framerate in half because they used the link
from a
older game!!
and if we do get a patch/update/new modified release I
I hope so, Hey if you have contact directly with the game designers then
should know if their coming out with a patch are not. Are they?!! I hope
See ya in ***space my friend!! -David Gary