>On Thu, 24 Oct 1996 04:06:22 -0500, David Gary
>>Who cares with what your fed up with! We post these complaints to get
>>the "SERIOUS" racing
>>SIM fraternity to wake up and smell the BULLSHIT. As a hobbie, some of
>>us wont settle for
>>HALF-ASS and we need to kick these designers in the ass to insure the
>>integrity of the racing SIMS to come.
>>Dont respond to these posts if you settle for second best. Evidently
>>your maturity in the racing sim
>>evolution is not to a level yet to respect! -David Gary
>You really haven't got a clue what you are talking about have you?
>Constantly repeating the same pathetic quotes won't get anyone
>believing you. The majority of seasoned sim veterans can recognise the
>incredible driving model that GP2 offers. Good modem and network
>support would be "nice to haves" but in a racing sim (as you should
>know since you're such an expert) the driving model is all.
limp to the pits on 3 wheels. And be back in the race in under 9 seconds.
The way i can hit a wall at 200 and bounce off unscathed is cool as well...