also, it has some bad control issues that need to be resolved. if you are
facing in a direction different to the one the game thinks you should be in,
it won't let you turn the wheel anywhere else but back onto the track.
for example. *** square monaco. monsoon, with slick tyres on (i know they
have grooves but you know what i mean - it's the only way to drive :-) i
lose it and decide that any attempt to stay on the road will result in a
collision with the barrier, so i steer away from the road to go down the
escape road - the big built in spaces seen at mirabeau. but oh no, the game
won't let me go down there, it drives me into the wall instead. turning is
impossible. steering in the pit lane is impossible. steering around a corner
on the outside of an AI is impossible. turn-in oversteer is impossible and
so is roll oversteer (even if you tweak the setups to deliberately get
some - it doesn't happen). i like to drive oversteering cars. why won't it
let me!!
somebody make it better, please!