it to run? You have posted that message many times now, I think we get the
picture! That is very unfortunate, but it is not a common problem.
> > Jeez, even if all this speculation and nonsense that is being put down
> here
> > was true, what are you all getting so uptight about? These sims cost
> 19.99
> > (about $30), its hardly 'sell your grannie' stuff is it? When you
> consider
> > that most PC titles are 29.99 for a few hours (action adventures) play,
> > think we simmers get pretty good vfm, and if EA or Ubi decide to produce
> an
> That's true, and I'd agree with you in a moment--IF F1RC was at all
> on my system, and IF Ubi had made a reasonable effort to make sure that it
> was playable on my system. Until they do, IMO they have no business even
> suggesting that they're developing an F1RC2.
> Jerry Morelock