I install GPL as normal, everything goes fine, sound check works OK. But
when I try to load it, I get that ol' chestnut, This Program has performed
an illegal....
This is the extended information.
GPL caused an exception c0000006H in module GPL.EXE at 0217:004867c4.
EAX=7f783000 CS=0217 EIP=004867c4 EFLGS=00000287
EBX=00981aa4 SS=021f ESP=00c2fb6c EBP=00c2fbc4
ECX=0000000a DS=021f ESI=0000000a FS=1177
EDX=7f782000 ES=021f EDI=7f788000 GS=1166
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8a 12 7c 02 33 f6 41 83 f9 10 7c 02 33 c9 89 44
Stack dump:
00000001 00000001 00c2fcb0 7f778000 7f779000 7f77a000 7f77b000 7f77c000
7f77d000 7f77e000 7f77f000 7f780000 7f781000 7f782000 7f773000 7f774000
My system is a P200 non-MMX, 32Mb RAM, Diamond Stealth, Diamond Monster 3D
and SoundBlaster AWE64 Value.
Anybody got any ideas?