% I'm just wondering, why GPL takes as long as three minutes to load in
% my system. First I thought it wouldn't run at all but locks up on the
% opening screen, but then after some three min. wait the game pops up
% and runs fine thereafter. There's no apparent activity in my PC during
% that waiting period. Anyone sharing the same experience or is this
% just normal?
GPL is attempting to poll and setup any devices it can find to provide
on-line connections (ISDN, IPX, modems, etc.). The more devices you
have turned on in your system, the longer it takes before GPL will
finish the process. As soon as it finds one, it will then attempt
negotiations with that device.
The following is a post made by GPL's game designer Randy Cassidy:
Have him edit the file named app.ini in GPL's home directory
(c:\sierra\gpl by default) with Notepad, and change the 0 to a 1 on the
line that has "disableDirectConnect" on it. Maybe when GPL queries the
system about serial ports, it's screwing up the internal modem.
If that doesn't help, have him create a file named core.ini, using
Notepad, in GPL's home directory, and put the following two lines in it.
[Communications] disable_ipx=1 Maybe IPX is somehow only partially set
up, and the system gets funky when we look for IPX addresses.
The only other thing I can think of is that maybe when GPL looks for
modems on the system, it takes a long time for the system to timeout the
search because the modem is already connected. Have him wait a full two
minutes at GPL's opening screen before trying to reboot.
% My system:
% Pentium P II 400 MHz, Rhino II BX-SATX board, 128 MB RAM
% Diamond Viper V550 16 MB, Monster 3DII 12 MB (both with the latest
% drivers), Seagate Medalist 10 GB HD
% Win98, DirectX 6 (glide 2.53 in the GPL folder)
% Zepe
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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