First many [more likely all as they aren't a huge group] who work for
Papy past, present & probably in the future do! go that extra mile to
take work apon themselves at home!
Am I a "Papy lover" as DGF eludes many are here? Not me! I have
many other sim titles from many other publishers! It would matter to
me if Black & Decker had their name on a title as long as its good!
Do I think Papy did a fantastic' thing by working on a patch for a 3
year old sim' to give it many more months and maybe years of play
time? Absolutely!!
[fwiw] The question seems to be: Is it about the heavy posting here
with GPL or someone having an "axe to grind " with those that do?
Odd!! Very Odd!! Thom_j.
| The fact that it has been going on for 3 years now is a testament to GPL,
| and the awesome sim that it is. Throw in the fact that Papy still supports
| it, even if it is a couple guys working on it from home, makes it even
| incredible. I don't find this behaviour strange in the least.
| Do you think F1RC will still get this kind of press and support 3 years
| the road? Or any other sim presently out for that matter?
| Don Burnette
| > Wouldnt you admit then this is a plus for GPL then??
| > [Btw: I've said this before but I'll race any motor type racing!]
| > ["Hell!" Strap some motors on a few frogs and I'm there :-)]
| >
| > | Forgot to add, it's been going on now for THREE years. That's the
| > | strange aspect of the behavior.
| > | David G Fisher
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