I thought I should try the rbr demo, and I looks very interesting.
So, I looked up my ancient Thrustmaster Formula T2 wheel (analog, with
separate pedals for throttle and brake)
Removed the dust from the wheel and hooked it up to my precious game station
Added and calibrated it in control panel (using xp sp2), and started up the
Rbr demo.
And here the fun-Sunday begins (time flies). I go into the control options,
and whatever I try, the x-axis, is when I centre the wheel, completely 2 the
right, and when I steer to the left, it's centred (would have been normal
after me driving and crashing ;))
y-axis, I choose the combined throttle/brake option, and here kinda same
story. with no pedals touched, it's full brake, and when throttle fully
pressed, it's 80% throttle.
I know it's an ancient wheel, but in the control panel of xp, it seems 2 be
fully functional.
I also googled, found some problems concerning FF and Thrustmaster wheels,
but nothing about my specific problem...
Any suggestions next to buying a new wheel?