> > the models and GPL) and I'm keeping up with the equipment
> > (although I kid myself sometimes that I'd be quicker if I threw
> > more money at it),
> Let me tell you: you are *NOT* kidding yourself.
> exceptional equipment). But I happened to sit next to one of our former
> national champions, and he was nice enough to lend me an anchor (that's
> what we call it in Dutch, don't recollect the English term right now.
> Anyway, it's the central rotating part of an electric motor). A real
> one. A tuned one. A professional one.
Cool... But then, on the other hand, one of the guys I was pitting
with at my last Regional, who I'd outqualified, was grinning from
ear to ear at the prospect of running the final with an 8 turn motor
he'd borrowed (for you non-RCers, that's pretty much a drag motor).
I still won that C-final - which was also pretty satisfying!
Absolutely - now does the same argument work for PC hardware in GPL?