: I don't understand this attitude at all. The aero model would be no
: more "fake" than the suspension model. The rest of the model assumes
: bulk properties - why would it be any different to have an aero model
: assuming bulk properties. If you are willing to say "suspension element
: X" is a bar with mass m, CofG at x and springyness y. Why is it more
: of a con to say "drag x, downforce y, at speed z?" All sim physics is
: "canned" (to use a ludicrous phrase which comes up a lot in this group)
: - people should get over this block and simply ask "is the results of
: what has been canned physically realistic as far as I can tell". In
: GPL I'd say it's pretty damn good :-)
Exactly. Most of the top industrial packages for mechanical simulation,
such as ADAMS, could be considered "canned" as well. These babies costs
thousands of dollars, and the results are good enough for their purpose.
It will be along time before we see CFD (computational fluid dynamics) in
real time on workstations, let alone trickling down to a game, and even
then CFD is only ever an approximation of what the aero situation really