Joel...this is exactly how Papyrus started.....with "Indianapolis 500".
Customers tastes may have changed over time but I believe that, done
correctly, a "one-race" sim is perfectly viable.
Some examples:
Indy 500 (as it was in the roadster era)......including the qualifying
Le Mans 24 Hours....1960s.
Spa 1000 Kilometres for Sports/Prototypes of the 1960s.
Ditto Nurburgring 1000K.
Targa Florio of the 1960s.
Just a bit of food for thought.
> > Bruce Kennewell wrote
> > > Dan Gurney?
> > > Richie Ginther? (deceased)
> > > > Never heard of Phil Hill then?
> > Guys, it doesn't matter whether or not Tracey Miller ever heard of
> > these guys. What matters is if the majority of the buying public has
> > not only heard of them, but has a deep down desire to race against
> > them. I can't speak for Europe, but here in the U.S. it's "what have
> > you done for me lately", or "out of sight out of mind".
> > A Legends of the Brickyard sim could work because most of the
> > legendary CART drivers (A.J. Foyt, Rick Mears, Mario Andretti, Tom
> > Sneva, the Unsers, etc.) are still public figures either as car
> > owners, race commentators, or spokesmen. Not to mention that Papy
> > apparently has a working relationship with I.M.S. since they got to
> > include it in N3, and Indy needs all the publicity it can get right
> > now.
> > Maybe if the Gran Prix of the U.S. is a huge success then they can
> > start looking at doing another F1 sim, but for right now it's a dead
> > issue.
> We keep on bringing up the idea of a Legends of the Brickyard. But in
> reality,how can you build a entire racing sim around one race. I really
> don't think that the average arcade racer would buy the concept or the
> And for that matter,how many of us dedicated sim racers would buy it as
> well?
> Joel Willstein
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