<<1) In the NASCAR game manual, under Rear Bias, it says (and I'm
paraphrasing) that the more weight there is in the rear of the car, the
more it tends to get loose. Also, under Fuel, it says as the tank gets
empty, (thus lightening the rear weight) the car tends to push. Ok, so
far so good.>>
Interesting... I've found my experience with the game to be just
the opposite of what the manual says. My car gets looser as the tires
die and the fuel load lessens. I'm pretty sure the real cars are similar
to that. Look at it like this... what do you do to keep the rear tires
of a truck from getting "loose" in the snow? You add weight!
<<However, when the manual talks about downforce, it suggests that
to CORRECT a loose condition, you add MORE rear downforce.>>
There are a number of different ways. That is just one suggestion.
For example, are you getting loose entering a turn or exiting?
<<2) When I watch NASCAR races on TV, cars tend to 'pair up' (the
announcers always call it finding a 'dance partner'). I would assume
this is so the car behind gets a draft, but how does it benefit the car
in front?>>
The are drafting each other. Neither car has to work as hard to run
at speed. The car in front is in the cleaner air, though. It gets more
air to the motor. One of the long-term effects of drafting is if you
follow for too long your motor has a tendency to run a little toasty.
The fuel mileage will increase also, probably for all cars involved.
<<And if it doesn't, why doesn't the car behind just slingshot
past? I would think they might just keep slingshotting past each other,
but instead it seems they maintain their order.>>
Some cars just don't have the power to stay in front. Look at
Sterling Marlin. The cars ran faster when he was leading at Talladega
recently than when he wasn't. It all depends on which cars work best
Say you have two cars drafting off each other... cars A and B. They
may run faster, for whatever reason, with car A in front. Car B may not
lose any ground when he is following, but it may be apparent that car B
doesn't have enough intestinal fortitude to pull car A along and force
him to follow.
#6 (will he be #28 in '97) & #94 in the *real* quest for the Cup
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