they do have an effect on the downforce. I can do a pretty good DJ
impression now coming of T4 at MIS. I'm thinking on that little dip air is
getting under the car and making it light. And in my case around she goes.
> > > Yes, the cars do handle differently and better IMO, and that's
> > important.
> > > Much more grip through the turns even as the tires wear down. People
> > will
> > > probably be running multiple lines and replays may now look like the
> > real
> > > races do at tracks like California and Michigan. With such a drastic
> > > difference (it was immediately obvious), where are the people who
> > insisted
> > > that Papyrus had it JUST RIGHT in N2002? Those are apparently the same
> > > people who insisted they had the tire model and grip just right in
> > GPL. They
> > > would be called "Papy groupies".
> > You can't have it both ways. A minor update only Papy fans would
> > consider acceptable at full price and a significant change proving N2002
> > wasn't perfect.
> > Cheers
> > Tony
> Yes, it's still a minor update. How long am I supposed to believe it takes
> to adjust the tire model/grip? A year of 14 hour days by the entire Papyrus
> development team?
> I know, I know, it's more complicated than that. The building of the space
> station is nothing in comparison.
Hi mate.
That, according to Dave, is my main hobby!
When he does that, I know it's both chips talking.
When some one with the reputation of beta tester Rodney Arndt makes such
positive comments about the final product, I'm more than ready and willing
to plunk down my 50 bucks.
Does this now mean that there is a benifit to warming the tires while under
pace/yellow ?
I understand the adaptive speed control, but I don't quite get this one.
Does this mean they raise/lower their level based on how YOU do each race,
lap or ???
Can anyone amplify this one a bit? Where is it turned on, and what exactly
does it do ?
Not if your one of my *** body men. lol
I did notice driving one the grass (I told you i do it a lot) that you do
get more of the typical bump feel.
I noticed this too! I did a few particulary stupid corner entries at Dega
(the fast setup is tight as hell) and in both cases the AI corrected for MY
mistakes and avoided the major collisions quite well.
If the online collision reactions have improved this much, then online
racing with NR may have just changed in a major way. Maybe this is the end
of the "Flea Flicker" collision detection online ?
Haven't found this yet. Where are the settings?
I think it's a bit better too, especially at lower frame rates.
You know, I think the "Wobbles" might finally be gone!
No, it never is benificial to attempt to warm the tyres at pacing speed. The
risks far outweigh what little temperature you can get in the tyres.
Just don't do it.
IMHO the AI not only try to avoid the player more than they used to, but
also when collisions happen, it's not always the human player who loses out.
I also find that actual fender rubbing is now a lot more possible without
getting the player into trouble.
I hadn't actually thought of consequences on online racing, but if it is as
you suggest, that would indeed be a substantial step toward more realistic
online racing.
As for the telemetry options, they're in the replay section of core.ini, and
they're pretty detailed. I've tried them and at least on my system they
didn't cause any fps hit, so I think we can easily use them in online races
and the only price we'll pay is replay size.
we've been missing you for some flying the other night. But then we guessed
you're having so much fun with the demo that you've forgotten to come back
> <SNIP>
> Hi mate.
> > Now if you want to reply Dave, before you reply, please sit back ;-) and
> > make yourself aware that it isn't my purpose to yank your chain, to
> > you or to make you angry.
> That, according to Dave, is my main hobby!
> > I've written the above after some serious thinking
> > and consideration, as a contribution of thoughts and facts to the topic.
> > Don't call me names or accuse me of***ing someone's boots ;-)
> When he does that, I know it's both chips talking.
> Cheers
> Gerry