I think you need to consider the fact that you may not have the skill to
drive this sim yet.It takes a lot of hours to master these sims. I remeber
my first lap with N2. I can turn 1m 13 sec laps smooth as silk no wheel
lockups, no offroad excursions, a little tail sliding but all very
I also can turn 1 m 18 sec laps completely out of control. The difference
is, how focused I am.
It's all a matter of driving style, You may be trying to hard.
I can't verify that this is an accurate sim of a 1960's F1 car, but I do
feel confident that this is an accurate sim of a 400hp, 1100lb car with poor
I never drove a 1960's Lotus but have driven a many motorcycles with a
similiar power to weight ratio, several drag cars and a couple of High HP
cars on street tires, and have found some of these to be just as impossible
to drive if lacking the experience.
Kevin Anderson
ICQ # 6769389
Oscar FB Div. 10
>I've put previous posts up about the steering and braking problems I'm
>having with GPL. Mine is a minority view -- everyone else thinks GPL is
>more or less simulates the real thing when it comes to driving a 67 Lotus,
>Repco-Brabham or Eagle.
>I refuse to believe that all this sliding around simulates a real 60's F1
>car. The car drives like its a drunk on a dirt road. I've seen 60's F1
>footage -- the cars do not slide all over the track as they negotiate
>corners or even straights and when they brake they do so cleanly. I'm not