gpl problem


gpl problem

by oppo » Tue, 12 Nov 2002 08:21:48

does anyone play GPL with a toshiba 3000 400?

gpl problem

by Malc » Tue, 12 Nov 2002 18:25:58

What's the problem?


Ian Riche

gpl problem

by Ian Riche » Tue, 12 Nov 2002 23:14:37

>>What's the problem?

>the game often run very it's impossible go in

>i would like to know the video-card settings and the core.ini settings
>for enjoing GPL properly

Have you downloaded the D3D and / or OpenGL patches for GPL, and
selected the correct rasterizer?

If not, you're running in software mode, and things *will* be slow
(and ugly, for that matter!)

Ian Riches
GPL Rank +1.76 Monsters of GPL +284.19

Kevin Clar

gpl problem

by Kevin Clar » Wed, 13 Nov 2002 00:00:22

>>What's the problem?

> the game often run very it's impossible go in

> i would like to know the video-card settings and the core.ini settings
> for enjoing GPL properly
> thanks
> cheers

Have you applied the cpu fix patch from

gpl problem

by Haqsa » Wed, 13 Nov 2002 08:15:31

rastd3d7.dll is correct, don't change it.  Please tell us more about
your machine so we can suggest settings for it.  What speed is your CPU?
How much RAM do you have?  What kind of graphics card do you have?

> >Have you downloaded the D3D and / or OpenGL patches for GPL, and
> >selected the correct rasterizer?

> D3D patch

> >If not, you're running in software mode, and things *will* be slow
> >(and ugly, for that matter!)

> in the app.ini there is

> [ Graphics ]
> lastRasterizerDLL = rastd3d7.dll        ; Last rasterizer DLL
> selected

> maybe have i to change in  softdll.dll? i'll try it

> bye


gpl problem

by Malc » Wed, 13 Nov 2002 10:04:23

Quote from the original post:

does anyone play GPL with a toshiba 3000 400?

The Toshiba 3000-400 is a laptop with nforce2 (dedicated 16Mb) graphics I

Couldn't really say what the CPU or ram will be, but it's a safe bet it'll
be above the minimum spec for gpl.

Short of playing around with the nVidia driver settings & core.ini 3d3
settings, there's not much else to suggest to speed it up. If it's already
set to d3d, and it sounds like it is, it's just a matter of lowering the
detail until the framerate is acceptable, or trying OpenGL instead, which
tends to be a bit quicker than d3d on nVidia chipsets.

If the slowdown is only on vroc, try switching off the quality meter bars.
It made a huge difference to my old kyro2, maybe it will here too.
(It's one of the tickboxes on the dialogue box that comes up when you click
to join a race).



gpl problem

by Malc » Wed, 13 Nov 2002 19:16:14

> GeForce2GO
> of course:-)....128 RAM and PIII900
> the details are low and this is my core.ini

> [ Direct3D7 ]
> D3DDevice = 0
> TossHighestMip = 1
> DoubleMirrorResWidth = 1
> DoubleMirrorResHeight = 1
> DirectMirrorRendering = 1
> DisableZBuffer = 1
> AlphaThreshold = 1
> TransparentMipsDrawOrder = 0
> TrilinearFiltering = 0
> AnisotropicFiltering = 0
> LODBias = -50

Okay there's a big one here you need to change. Make "DisableZBuffer = 0"
and you should see a big improvement in framerate.

Here's mine:

[ Direct3D7 ]
D3DDevice = 0
TossHighestMip = 0
DoubleMirrorResWidth = 1
DoubleMirrorResHeight = 1
DirectMirrorRendering = 1
DisableZBuffer = 0
AlphaThreshold = 1
TransparentMipsDrawOrder = 1
TrilinearFiltering = 1
AnisotropicFiltering = 8
LODBias = -50

You can play around with the last three, but the rest are probably best set
to the same as mine.

Read through the readmeD3D.txt file in your gpl folder to see what they do,
but that ZBuffer one is probably the problem.

hth, Malc.


gpl problem

by Malc » Wed, 13 Nov 2002 19:28:54

> On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 15:00:22 +0000, Kevin Clark

> >Have you applied the cpu fix patch from

> isn't it only for cpu more than 1000?
> bye

iirc it's for CPU's over 1.4Ghz, but it does no harm to apply it, and may
help fix some minor problems. I have a 1.2Ghz Athlon & needed to use it.
It includes the disco patch too.



gpl problem

by Malc » Thu, 14 Nov 2002 09:31:03

> >Okay there's a big one here you need to change. Make "DisableZBuffer = 0"
> >and you should see a big improvement in framerate.

> but..a moment...
> here is the readme D3D.txt
> ____________________________

> * DisableZBuffer = 0

> In order to gain a significant frame rate improvement (about 60%) this
> D3D renderer will try to use a Z buffer to minimize state changes. The
> renderer automatically will attempt to detect any problems with
> creating a Z buffer. You can disable any attempt to use a Z buffer by
> setting this to 1.
> _________________________

> it appears it must be set to "0" for improving framerate

Absolutely correct, and yours was set to 1 ;-)

Okay, back to basics. If:

You have no updated car graphics,
You have set all the graphics options to minimum,
You have set DisableZBuffer = 0 (if using D3D)
You have tried OpenGL instead,
You have applied the CPU patch,
And you have adjusted the display driver settings (no AA, performance
options everywhere etc),

you are still having a problem, perhaps you could describe the problem in
more detail. What fps, under what circumstances etc. If you try the above
suggestions, gpl will look pretty poor, but it'll run okay on a P200 with
32Mb & a Voodoo2, let alone your spec ;-)

Coincidentally I put gpl back on my recently rebuilt second PC today. It's a
Duron 800 with 256Mb ram & a Voodoo3 3000, running Win2k. I had to use the
d3d driver due to problems with Glide that I'll eventually fix, but apart
from big drops in framerate whenever there's more than a couple of cars
nearby, it ran at 36fps throughout. I downgraded the car graphics to earlier
versions, and even that problem went away. This is a pretty similar spec to
your laptop, and I would imagine a Voodoo3 in D3D would have similar
performance to your Gforce2Go if not worse.


PS. For those that are interested, I installed it on the C:\ drive (NTFS)
and had to enable indexing on the gpl folder for it to work, so it's not
just winXP that this affects.


gpl problem

by dmocini » Thu, 14 Nov 2002 22:02:39

> >What's the problem?

> the game often run very it's impossible go in

I don't  know how slow it is, but I have Duron 800 with GF2MX 200 card, so
it is simmilar to your config.
My expiriences:
D3D           unplayable at 800x600 (~15 fps) with stock graphics
OpenGL    1024x768, GPLEA lotus, hires dash full details I get 36 fps when
hotlaping and racing if there isn't a lot cars around me, at starts i get
~25 fps

So you should try OpenGL.
When I used Det 23.something i got picture offset i resolutions above
640x480, but i could play on VROC.
Now I use 30.30, there is no graphical problems, but i get black screen vhet
trying to join race on VROC.



gpl problem

by Malc » Fri, 15 Nov 2002 00:14:20

> >> . You can disable any attempt to use a Z buffer by
> >> setting this to 1.
> >> _________________________

> >> it appears it must be set to "0" for improving framerate

> >Absolutely correct, and yours was set to 1 ;-)

> no, sorry:-))))) it appears it must be set to "1":-)    "you can
> disable any attempt......................."

The Z buffer, when used, improves 3d performance quite a bit. GPL (in d3d)
will use it if your graphics chipset supports it.
If your graphics chipset doesn't support Z buffering, this switch will have
no effect.

The Geforce2Go chipset does support it, in which case you should _not_
disable it. In fact you should always set DisableZBuffer = 0 no matter what
PC or Graphics chipset you are using. It's only there for troubleshooting
graphics problems like yours.
If you set it to 1, you should see a big dip in performance (it does on my
GF4200). This tells you that when it's set to 0, the Z buffer is being used
as it should be. If you see no difference between the two settings, it's
disabled elsewhere.

For more information about the Geforce2Go chipset, try here:



gpl problem

by Haqsa » Fri, 15 Nov 2002 08:26:22

English isn't your native language is it?  SET IT TO 0!!!!  It's a
double negative, when you set the "disable" variable to 0, that means it
gets enabled.  Trust me, you want it enabled.  Just try it, I swear you
will like it.  ;o)

> >> . You can disable any attempt to use a Z buffer by
> >> setting this to 1.
> >> _________________________

> >> it appears it must be set to "0" for improving framerate

> >Absolutely correct, and yours was set to 1 ;-)

> no, sorry:-))))) it appears it must be set to "1":-)    "you can
> disable any attempt......................."

> i have to think about all your advices....i will write you later,
> maybe it will take some days:-)
> tx again
> cheers


gpl problem

by Malc » Fri, 15 Nov 2002 10:26:17

I've sometimes wondered why there's no real consistency with this sort of

For some, 1=disabled, for others, 1=enabled.

I can appreciate that different games (ie different developers) may prefer
one way to another, but in the same ini file??
Having said that, I know diddly squat about programming in 3d, so maybe it's
a Microsoft restriction or something ;-)



gpl problem

by Haqsa » Fri, 15 Nov 2002 12:33:21

I think it is just the way programmers think, nothing more.  Anything
that they think should be normal is on unless you disable it, anything
that they think only a few people will use is off unless you enable it.


gpl problem

by Haqsa » Mon, 18 Nov 2002 01:19:35

Those are very odd settings.  It really seems very unlikely to me that
turning the Z buffer off would help anything.  Are you certain you are
editing the right file?  The reason I ask is that gpl comes with a
core.ini.sample file, and if you have extensions turned off in the
windows explorer the name is displayed as "core.ini".  Therefore it
looks like the right file to edit, but it is not.  You have to turn
extensions on and make sure you have a real core.ini file to edit,
either by copying the core.ini.sample or by renaming it.

> [ Direct3D7 ]
> D3DDevice = 0
> TossHighestMip = 0
> DoubleMirrorResWidth = 0
> DoubleMirrorResHeight = 0
> DirectMirrorRendering = 0
> DisableZBuffer = 1
> AlphaThreshold = 1
> TransparentMipsDrawOrder = 1
> TrilinearFiltering = 0
> AnisotropicFiltering = 0
> LODBias = -100 is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.