anyone with an analog wheel been able to get separate gas and brake
controls? If so, how? Thanks in advance.
I had the same problem with SCGT, but I was able to get it to work without
having to do that when I use my PDPI L4.
-Adam Zerlin
> I had the same problem with SCGT, but I was able to get it to work without
> having to do that when I use my PDPI L4.
> -Adam Zerlin
> > I have an ECCI wheel (gas, brake and clutch) connected to a SB Live.
> > anyone with an analog wheel been able to get separate gas and brake
> > controls? If so, how? Thanks in advance.
> > THM
-Adam Zerlin
> > This has worked for me, but I'm not sure if it will work for everyone.
> Hold
> > down the brake pedal while the game loads, and then let up when you
> > the menus. Then, calibrate it. When you go to a race, be sure to have
> > held down while the track loads, then let up when you get to the track
> > screen.
> > I had the same problem with SCGT, but I was able to get it to work
> > having to do that when I use my PDPI L4.
> > -Adam Zerlin
> > > I have an ECCI wheel (gas, brake and clutch) connected to a SB Live.
> Has
> > > anyone with an analog wheel been able to get separate gas and brake
> > > controls? If so, how? Thanks in advance.
> > > THM
You can also use the program DXTweak to adjust the lower value of the
brake axis by one or two digits after you calibrate. This works for me
with a HyperStimulator that wouldn't calibrate split axis in either of
ISI's sims.