GPL Steering efects

Ayrton McKafr

GPL Steering efects

by Ayrton McKafr » Fri, 15 May 1998 04:00:00


    I played the GPL demo with keyboard and noticed something *new* in
racing sims ...

    If I stop the car and turn the wheel to one side, say left, ten degrees,
the wheels reamain looking to the left, even if I stop pressing the left-key
... and if I press the accel, the steeering, goes back to the center
position ... cool efect ... I dont know how this is called in english, in
spanish is "el avance de la direccion". And you get it in your road car too.

    If I go backwards, the steering should get more angle (the oposite of
going to the center) but ... It always goes to the center, little bug ...

PS : Excuse my english

A. McKafre was here ... osea, que estuve aqui.

Marco Kleij

GPL Steering efects

by Marco Kleij » Thu, 21 May 1998 04:00:00

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