First of all thanx to Grant Reeve for making the least
the fps is very good now...
But....i have a Q about the D3D patch...
I've read some comments on D3D 'looks awesome'
Now i don't care much about how it looks but i am getting curious if
some people are seeing things i don't see..
I used to use the OGL patch...and apart from the fps being not great
it sure looks much better then the D3D patch.
With the D3D patch everything gets very blurry more then 2 car lenghts
orso away...very noticable on the railings.
I've put up 2 shots..both about 80kb one OGL shot(clipped on the right
cause of the 5.30 detonator driver's weird OGL bug) and a D3D shot..
As you can see in the shots...OGL is much
crispier...railing..tarmac/start finishline..start grid...etc..etc..
Now does the D3D shot show what everyone is basically seeing or is
something wrong over here?
Running on a TNT1, messed with the core.ini D3D settings but that
didn't change much in the looks..tosshighestmip and TrilinearFiltering
either at 0 or 1
thanx and cheers,