"please remove knowspam to reply"
I was thinking the same exact thing! Please do we have anyone in the r.a.s.
'ng' that knows about this? I have a Herc & my fps is usually always 36fps
too. I've read the main difference is you can raise your resolution to 1024x
and still keep 36fps.
Also is the Riva TNT as good in other sims/games? Also will it work well
within Windows 98? Any And All Help will be appreciated!!
My system specs;
Pent II Intel 450mhz, AB-BH6 Pent II m-board, PC100 sdram 128mb
8ns, Sb-PCI64 sound, Herc-Thriller/AGP 8mg video, Voodooo2 8mg
3dfx card, 19" PS790 ViewSonic Monitor
"please remove knowspam to reply"
>I have a P2 450 with a PCI Herc.Thriller 8MB runnin GPL. Would I do better
>replacing this card with an AGP CL Riva TNT with the new patch from Papy
>OpenGL. Frame rate be abt. the same worse. 36 FPS with all on now.
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