Randy Magrud


by Randy Magrud » Thu, 04 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>I totaly agree with Tim. I am the Creative Labs rep for the soundcard
>newsgroup, and let me tell you, some people HATE me cause I work for

Hmm, well as long as you're here, Mike, can you tell me why it is that
in my SB AWE 32 with Direct Sound and ICR2 for Win95 the revs 'notch'
up through the digital sounds?  How optimized are the directsound
drivers for the SB AWE32?

Thanks :)




by Jo » Fri, 05 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>>I am really psyched to get a CD with the clean
>>version on it!!!!
>Only if it has the DOS version too on it too - I will not give up my
>DOS version to get the Win95 version (which Papyrus repeatedly
>promised for free on this newsgroup). On some computers/setups the
>Win95 version sucks rocks. I want to try it (as I was promised), but I
>don't want to give up my DOS-CD, since I am then screwed if I ever
>need to re-install the DOS version.

Supposedly we're getting all three versions on the one CD. Makes me
nervous sending my old CD- could get lost in the mail, could turn out
the new DOS version is WORSE in some new way than the old... But I
guess sending it is the only way they can be sure you bought it, and
be sure you don't sell it.
Kai Weslin


by Kai Weslin » Fri, 05 Jul 1996 04:00:00

> OK, folks.  I give up.  I'm done trying to help by giving out
> information about the patch because people are just going to pick
> apart words instead of listen to what is being said.

> This is my last posting on this subject.

> 1)  The DOS patch will be out soon online.
> 2)  Sierra is working out the details on how to get the new DOS/Win
> 95/Mac CD out to legitimate owners of the DOS-only ICR 2 that shipped
> in December.

> It's really no wonder that no other company sits up here to answer
> questions.  I'm wondering if it's worth it myself.

> Ed Martin
> Producer, Series Director
> NASCAR Racing League
> Papyrus / Sierra On-Line, Inc.

I hope you guys are all satisfied now. So here is one guy who cares
about us and all you can do is make him leave it. It seems like all
of you work for Papyrus knowing what is going on there.

If I recall what was going on in this newsgroup (from Rick and so on):
First there was supposed to be a coupon in the box for the Win95
version. So well it wasn't. But shortly after this, the question was
answered here in the newsgroup that for a small fee, you could get
the "upgrade". (Seems pretty much that what is going on now)
So then Rick made the statement that it would be possible to download
a patch that upgraded the DOS to the WIN version. I'm pretty sure
that Rick fully stood behind this as it seems that he is responsible
for the patch. I think he had all intention to make this upgrade
happen. So now he left (I don't know why and it is none of my business)
and it seems impossible to fullfil his accomplishment. To load
everything on the back of Ed is a little unfair.
OK the patch takes a long time. But then there is a patch. There
are a lot of other companies, where there are no patches at all, or
the patch costs you the full prize of a normal game every year.
(I'm sure you know what I mean ;-) ) It seems that as Rick ( and
others) so often told us, that there are some priorities to respect.
So the patch wasn't one of the first. Period. I enjoyed the game
trying to work myself around the bugs.

So now there will be the DOS patch. OK my bugs are fixed. For all
those who want the WIN95 version it seems that they can get it in a
short period of time for an apple and an egg. This is just fine
for me and I don't understand why some guys are just getting mad
about it. I don't say you shouldn't complain about it but to get
mad at someone who isn't responsible for it just doesn't make sense.

My 0.02$

Happy Racing
Kai Wesling

Universitaet Bremen, Deutschland
Ernzen, Luxemburg



by Jo » Fri, 05 Jul 1996 04:00:00

[edited quotes out]

Imagine what it is like running for president!

Ya, things have gotten pretty damn ugly round here lately. But it is
definitely worth it to be up here for a company like Papyrus- ALL the
other companies worth their salt that I've been interested in have had
people up in USENET, from Descent to Janes' Longbow Apache, and it has
engaged at least this customer much more than I might have otherwise
been in the software. It is a real sign that a company really cares
about its product- it was cool hearing the Descent programmer brag
about D2 the day before it hit the stores... And he caught a lot of
heat, people pissed about having to use the CD, etc, but in the end,
he helped the cause. It is, sadly, a very fine line one walks up here.

The thing to remember is, MOST people aren't thinking like the
flamers, and most people will have a lot of respect for a company that
puts up with the crap. Fact is, I wouldn't be able to deal with all
this ***people are throwing around- you'd have to hire somebody with
a bit more leather for skin.

Roy Harringto


by Roy Harringto » Fri, 05 Jul 1996 04:00:00

Ed Martin wrote
 > OK, folks.  I give up.  I'm done trying to help by giving out
 > information about the patch because people are just going to pick
 > apart words instead of listen to what is being said.
 > This is my last posting on this subject.
 > 1)  The DOS patch will be out soon online.
 > 2)  Sierra is working out the details on how to get the new DOS/Win
 > 95/Mac CD out to legitimate owners of the DOS-only ICR 2 that shipped
 > in December.
 > It's really no wonder that no other company sits up here to answer
 > questions.  I'm wondering if it's worth it myself.
 > Ed Martin
 > Producer, Series Director
 > NASCAR Racing League
 > Papyrus / Sierra On-Line, Inc.

Frustrated, Ed? Not a good feeling, eh? You see they've all been waiting
and waiting and waiting, one more false date, one more delay, more [I'm
afraid this is how they see it, and why not?] bullshit. I'm talking about
F1GP2, by the way. But I might as well be talking about the forthcoming
ICR2 patch. Same thing, see? You can't release the patch last week for
retail sales and say this week that the patch is being tested. That's bad
maths. It doesn't add up. That's what's pissing this newsgroup off.
It may not seem so important at the moment, but credibility is a good
thing to hold onto.
Personally, I like the way the ICR2 cars handle. I don't need the bug
fix. As far as I'm concerned. this is the car, this is how it handles, go
drive it. And I don't race with yellow flags, so the patch is no big deal
to me. But the bullshit is. Man, I hate bullshit.



by Mike » Fri, 05 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>>Stay with us Ed, your more of a asset than these punks who have nothing
>>to do but ***.


>I get your point Mike. But remember, a lot of us punks pay your
>salaries. The bottom line can be summed up with this smart ass
>remark," Are you here because of us, or are we here because of you?"

Actually, if "here" means r.a.s., then for me, I am here because of
Papyrus. :)


Ron R.


by Ron R. » Fri, 05 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>>Stay with us Ed, your more of a asset than these punks who have nothing
>>to do but ***.


>I get your point Mike. But remember, a lot of us punks pay your
>salaries. The bottom line can be summed up with this smart ass
>remark," Are you here because of us, or are we here because of you?"

If you were joking then no offense meant.
If you were serious then,
*** Off Winghead.

Hang in there Mike & Ed, Those of us who drive real sim cars (Nascar)
Do appreciate your time and effort and patience.
Ron R II

  **  Keep the shiny side up & the hammer down   **
 ***          Ron "Cougar" Riekens II            ***
****              Owner - Driver                 ****
**** Medallion Motorsports/*** Photography ****
 ***         NASS ARCA Series #96 Pontiac        ***




by Ro » Sat, 06 Jul 1996 04:00:00

Very much agreed! Please don't be scared off by the few that may tend
to get out of line here. Everyone has their purpose and from what I
can tell, the angry only are trying to reach you in the best way they
know. The support and information you and other Papyrus/Sierra people
give us in this newsgroup is priceless. Since this is an open forum to
discussion, there will always be those who tend not to be so
understanding and appreciative in their posts. Please keep up the
support for the grateful majority!



Geoff Smit


by Geoff Smit » Sat, 06 Jul 1996 04:00:00

> I personally feel that Sierra should do the "right" thing and follow
> Intel's lead on this issue.  Intel sent me a free p5-90 in replacement
> for the "buggy" one I owned.  They also included return Fed-Ex postage
> for me to send them my "buggy" chip.  Sierra knows who the registered
> owners of ICR2 are, they should send us the upgraded version and include
> a pre-postage paid envelope.  I will gladly send them back my "buggy"
> copy of ICR2.

> Sierra should just bite the bullet on this one.  They should be reminded
> of how they got to be so big.  One of the reasons they stayed in
> business in their early days was due to their wonderful and excellent
> customer support.  Now that they have grown so large, all I can think of
> is what Lilly Tomlin used to say, "We don't have to care, we're the
> phone company!"

Agreed , Intel replacement policy on the Pentiums was great - no cost
to me.  However, given the cost of me mailing anything to the States for
a replacement will be quite expensive, I feel Papyrus/Sierra should offer
replacement through retail outlets.  As the cost of Fed Ex or Airbourne
to the States is around US$45 from New Zealand one way (NZ$68).  
Now if I have to pay for shipping (both ways) that is NZ$136 plus the
replacement fee that brings me to NZ$158.  The games only NZ$120 (US$80)
It will be cheaper to buy it again!  Does this seem fair?

Presumably this situation will affect all international customers.  
How do people in the UK get on with replacements?
What is the replacement policy for international customers?

A decidedly unhappy Geoff in New Zealand  :-(

Mark Kratz


by Mark Kratz » Sat, 06 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>Supposedly we're getting all three versions on the one CD. Makes me
>nervous sending my old CD- could get lost in the mail, could turn out
>the new DOS version is WORSE in some new way than the old... But I
>guess sending it is the only way they can be sure you bought it, and
>be sure you don't sell it.

I have the CD.  I am not sure what I did to set this up, but I am
playing directly off my HD.  The directory tree is about 60Mbs.  That
should minimize your risk somewhat (if you have backups).

Directory PATH listing for Volume STACVOL_DSK
|   \---CARS95
|   +---AUSTRAL
|   +---CLEVLAND
|   +---DETROIT
|   +---ELKHART
|   +---LAGUNA
|   +---LONGBCH
|   +---MICHIGAN
|   +---MIDOHIO
|   +---MLWAUKEE
|   +---NAZARETH
|   +---NWENGLND
|   +---PHOENIX
|   +---PORTLAND
|   +---TORONTO
|   \---VANCOUVR



by Jo » Sat, 06 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>Very much agreed! Please don't be scared off by the few that may tend
>to get out of line here. Everyone has their purpose and from what I
>can tell, the angry only are trying to reach you in the best way they
>know. The support and information you and other Papyrus/Sierra people
>give us in this newsgroup is priceless. Since this is an open forum to
>discussion, there will always be those who tend not to be so
>understanding and appreciative in their posts.

I think almost no one has been "out of line", except maybe for one or
two flamers. The vast majority of those critcizing Papyrus have been
calm, reasonable, and have presented valid complaints.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that people who are always
"positive", and never, never complain for fear of ruffling feathers,
are those who are truly not understanding nor appreciative. They are a
pure waste of bandwidth that has no content or benefit.


Michael Kirt


by Michael Kirt » Sun, 07 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>Frustrated, Ed? Not a good feeling, eh? You see they've all been waiting
>and waiting and waiting, one more false date, one more delay, more [I'm
>afraid this is how they see it, and why not?] bullshit. I'm talking about
>F1GP2, by the way. But I might as well be talking about the forthcoming
>ICR2 patch. Same thing, see? You can't release the patch last week for
>retail sales and say this week that the patch is being tested. That's bad
>maths. It doesn't add up. That's what's pissing this newsgroup off.
>It may not seem so important at the moment, but credibility is a good
>thing to hold onto.
>Personally, I like the way the ICR2 cars handle. I don't need the bug
>fix. As far as I'm concerned. this is the car, this is how it handles, go
>drive it. And I don't race with yellow flags, so the patch is no big deal
>to me. But the bullshit is. Man, I hate bullshit.

You, my friend, are truely an ***! What a cheap shot. I guess Ed
is frustrated, he should be. He has a made a good faith effort to keep
people informed of whats going on with a product that he has no direct
involvement in. Yes, Ed does represent Sierra/Papyrus. But the last
time I looked at his signature block it didn't say a damn thing about
Indy Car. Yeah, I hate bullshit too. Thats why it almost made me sick
to read that bullshit you wrote.

Michael Kirton



by Ro » Tue, 09 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>I think almost no one has been "out of line", except maybe for one or
>two flamers. The vast majority of those critcizing Papyrus have been
>calm, reasonable, and have presented valid complaints.

Thanks Joe,
    Time to waste more bandwidth. You are obviously refering to my
post(s) as you seem to have included in your previous response. I
would like to take this moment to define my "out of line" phrase which
I used.
   I have followed these threads as most have. It is my choice to
retreive and read them as with everyone. I have seen some valid,
honest, and constructive critizism brought out. Some have chosen to
personally provoke and call Papyrus/Sierra people liars in their
posts. Along with the cussing and whining being spewed recklessly with
no apparent reason. I have also seen Ed get to a point of being fed up
with it, (note: this was after my post) which seems to prove my point.
It is one thing to ask, discuss, and appreciate the information that
the Papyrus/Sierra tech provide here but when it resorts to
name-calling, bashing, flaming, cussing, telling them their liars,
well I feel that is "out of line". No, this won't stop it nor will it
make me any more popular in this newsgroup. I am sure I will receive a
fair amount of flaming my way for stating my opinion here.


True, We are all a waste of BW lately.
Have fun adding to this thread.... I'm done.

Ron is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.