I suggest you try GPL1.1 without the MSFF. Use a old joystick or wheel if
you have and the win98 configuration you had when the system worked well.
Could be a conflict between the MSFF drivers and the Viper550 driver.
The problem is NOT in the GPL 1.1
I have used GPL1.1 since it came out and done maybe 100 sessions,
going in and out of menues, run alot of replays and belive it or not
I haven't had a SINGLE CRASH with GPL 1.1 yet.
My Hardware:
Win98 (DirectX5)
Celeron oc 504Mhz
CL TNT/OpenGL beta2 ( 034 version CL drivers)
Abit BH6
Logitech Wingman Formula Force
>Im just wondering if anyone else is having the same amount of problems i am
>having with the patch. It seems that since it has been patched, GPL has
>become really unstable. I ve uninstalled it, tried different drivers for
>hardware, reinstalled windows.. nada. It will hang 9 times out of 10 when i
>am calibrating the wheel, and will crash when i am watching a replay of the
>The hardware im running is as follows:
>Aopen axb6c
>2 monster II 12mg
>MS FFwheel
>Ive tried to run with ver1.0 of GPL but find that its just to dam hard to
>drive without force feedback. Any clues?