F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

Iain Mackenzi

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Iain Mackenzi » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I have studies the video of one of J Herbert's qualifying laps, and am still
mystified by what some people say about missing kerbs. Where are they
missing?  To me, the kerbs look very accurate.

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Scott » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I'm with you Ian!

Greg Cisk

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Greg Cisk » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Now you know why I flame them first and then ignore them.
They are nuts.


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cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com


F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by GraDe » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Yup, its all down to the fact that a sim is threatening GPL.

Instead of buying it and playing it and practising it, they're just giving a
warez version a few laps and saying its ***'cause they couldn't be
bothered racing it and finding a right set-up.

Tim Vanhe

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Tim Vanhe » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I can see flames coming your way. :)

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by snakehand » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

You have driven GPL at length then have you?

>Yup, its all down to the fact that a sim is threatening GPL.

>Instead of buying it and playing it and practising it, they're just giving
>warez version a few laps and saying its ***'cause they couldn't be
>bothered racing it and finding a right set-up.

>> I have studies the video of one of J Herbert's qualifying laps, and am
>> mystified by what some people say about missing kerbs. Where are they
>> missing?  To me, the kerbs look very accurate.
>> Iain

Iain Mackenzi

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Iain Mackenzi » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I certainly have - ever since it came out. Until F12K was released GPL was
my favourite piece of software ever. Now, it's got a rival!
GraDee's point was not knocking GPL, but the blind following that it
attracts on this NG.  There are unnecessarily 'over-the-top' criticisms of
the accuracy of F12K that are totally unjustified.
Sure, F12K is not perfect in some respects like the use of flags, the 7%
rule, the lack of save game, the AI, and file management for example, BUT
the accuracy is pretty good so far when compared with the GPs that have
taken place this season.
No-one criticises the accuracy in GPL - how does anyone know about Spa in
67, or Mosport or even Silverstone for that matter?
I'm going to take my life in my hands here and even suggest that the AI in
GPL is far from perfect. They take the Parabolica at Monza more quickly than
is possible, and go too slowly in others.  They regularly go into to the
back of my car when breaking causing a hard fought qualifying session to be
Let me repeat, I love GPL but I also think that F12K is an absolute blast
and doesn't deserve some of the silly posts that have appeared here in
recent weeks.

> You have driven GPL at length then have you?

> >Yup, its all down to the fact that a sim is threatening GPL.

> >Instead of buying it and playing it and practising it, they're just
> a
> >warez version a few laps and saying its ***'cause they couldn't be
> >bothered racing it and finding a right set-up.

> >> I have studies the video of one of J Herbert's qualifying laps, and am
> >still
> >> mystified by what some people say about missing kerbs. Where are they
> >> missing?  To me, the kerbs look very accurate.
> >> Iain

Graeme Nas

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Graeme Nas » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

So the *** experience and simulation accuracy are not as high a
priority as track accuracy then?

That's because Papy couldn't travel back in time to visit the tracks in
1967. For F12K on the other hand, the developers *could* visit each
track and take detailed data. That's not to mention all the other data
sources they had access to which Papy would not have had.
Now I don't own F12K, so I'm not commenting on the track accuracy in
that sim :-)

Not going to disagree with that :-)

Graeme Nash


F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by ymenar » Thu, 27 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Another time, I explained well the difference between GPL and F1 2000.

The FIA gives to people who have licenses the access to blueprints of
tracks.  They give them extensive video footage, pictures, etc..  Members of
the developping normally go to the tracks to take even further information.
If so, please tell me why is the Parabolica that bad? Why is the Montreal
track so screwed? Why is the overall feeling of many tracks simply wrong?  I
won't go into nitpicks, it would be too long to explain, but the overall
sensation is simply wrong.  I want to-the-inch track width accuracy.  I want
correct the correct curbing of the road at Silverstone.  I want the almost
trail-braking corners at Silverstone like in real-life.  I want a correct
green run-off exiting the last chicance at Imola after the kurb.

You did not have that for GPL.  Some track portions don't even exist
anymore! Other tracks were completely changed, or have completely different
corners.  It's impossible to have real-time data, they had to rely on

Of course I do understand that the tools might not be fully developped in
the year 2000, that it will take us years until we have correctly GPS-ed
tracks (we all saw the C:PR fiasco with that).  If you remember many
messages I did on r.a.s, you'll see I don't just gripe about the track
accuracy at F12k.

I personally feel that third party track editing is benefitial for such
thing.  Gp2 has incredibly accurate tracks not because Geoff made them
excellent (they were excellent but for the era), but because some people
devoted time to create tracks they know by heart.  They know each
centimeter, each imperfection of the road, each small elevation of the

I still praise ISI since I see the potential for track editing.  SCGT has
the possibility to do so, and I really hope they have left F1 2000 open for
quality third-party editing.

F1 2000 is the best of the worst.  We will be reaching soon a level where we
will finally see a quality F1 simulator.  I see the potential in the ISI
game engine.  It's quite high in seriousness.  But there is a long way to
go, especially since we have yet to hear any feedback by them (please
correct me anybody).

As for the AI, I personally would agree with you, but don't underestimate
the quality of the AI in GPL.  Still, I haven't raced the AI in any title
for years...  What's the fun of it? ;)

Good discussion.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

David Can

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by David Can » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Since you mentioned it, I've noticed that there are no kerbs on the exit of
Luffield on F12k, but there are in real life, but thats about all. Hadn't
really looked for it before.

Michael E. Carve

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Michael E. Carve » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

% Yup, its all down to the fact that a sim is threatening GPL.

% Instead of buying it and playing it and practising it, they're just giving a
% warez version a few laps and saying its ***'cause they couldn't be
% bothered racing it and finding a right set-up.

Bull crappy!  I bought it and tried it and tweaked it and wasn't happy
with it.  Had nothing to do with a warez version (and I don't see it even
being close to threatening GPL).  It was an unsatisfying program based
on my criteria.  Some like it.....  some simply enjoy it.....  while
others have found it too lacking for their tastes.  

People's tastes and demands in a racing simulation differ.  Just accept
that and get on with life.....

While your post wasn't specifically directed at me, I resent the
disrespect you give me in my evaluation of F1 2000.  Not to mention the
disrespect you give others who gave it a fair trail and didn't like the

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Iain Mackenzi

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Iain Mackenzi » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Certainly not in my opinion, but there are those who do feel that way.

This was done for F12K I believe.

Thank God for that!


Iain Mackenzi

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Iain Mackenzi » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Yep, you're right, there is a small section on the exit of Luffield
missing - but that's it!

> Since you mentioned it, I've noticed that there are no kerbs on the exit
> Luffield on F12k, but there are in real life, but thats about all. Hadn't
> really looked for it before.

> > I have studies the video of one of J Herbert's qualifying laps, and am
> still
> > mystified by what some people say about missing kerbs. Where are they
> > missing?  To me, the kerbs look very accurate.
> > Iain

Jan Hoviu

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Jan Hoviu » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

> I have studies the video of one of J Herbert's qualifying laps, and am still
> mystified by what some people say about missing kerbs. Where are they
> missing?  To me, the kerbs look very accurate.
> Iain

It's not the track accuracy which is annoying me (in fact I was pleasantly
surprised that Silverstone looked accurate from Herbert's helmet viewpoint :>)
)  it's other parts of the sim which aren't on par with GPL. Andre (Warringa)
explains this in "Just another GPL post" in this NG. It simply doesn't give you
the feeling you're racing with the best drivers in the world. It is sooooo easy
to beat the (100%) AI at Catalunya that it becomes boring. It is too arcadish
in that respect. Next to this a lot of things are lacking too (biggest gripes:
poor replay-functionality (they should have looked at what Papy did with GPL),
poor FF implementation and lacking save-functionality).

Just my $0.02


David G Fishe

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by David G Fishe » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

How long did you actually try it for before your review showed up?

David G Fisher

> % Yup, its all down to the fact that a sim is threatening GPL.

> % Instead of buying it and playing it and practising it, they're just
giving a
> % warez version a few laps and saying its ***'cause they couldn't be
> % bothered racing it and finding a right set-up.

> Bull crappy!  I bought it and tried it and tweaked it and wasn't happy
> with it.  Had nothing to do with a warez version (and I don't see it even
> being close to threatening GPL).  It was an unsatisfying program based
> on my criteria.  Some like it.....  some simply enjoy it.....  while
> others have found it too lacking for their tastes.

> People's tastes and demands in a racing simulation differ.  Just accept
> that and get on with life.....

> While your post wasn't specifically directed at me, I resent the
> disrespect you give me in my evaluation of F1 2000.  Not to mention the
> disrespect you give others who gave it a fair trail and didn't like the
> product.

> --
> **************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
>      Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

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