% > While your post wasn't specifically directed at me, I resent the
% > disrespect you give me in my evaluation of F1 2000. Not to mention the
% > disrespect you give others who gave it a fair trail and didn't like the
% > product.
% Why would you care? Who is that guy anyway? I am kind of surprised
% that you resented his version of how the evaluations went. Frankly I
% thought you didn't give it enough time, or you were playing in on
% a 233 P2 or something.
Gave it over a week on a PIII 650 with Voodoo3 3000.... enough time for
me to know that it was not the sim for me.... I don't need a new toy
just to have a new toy. I want more from my toys than F12k could
deliver (even with the tweaks). Those that are enjoying their new toy,
fine. But, I gave it serious time and trouble because I wanted to enjoy
it. It just didn't cut the mustard.... I like my beer dark and thick
and with alot of taste and others enjoy Coor's Lite..... I don't plan
to***in their beer because it isn't up to my standards and expect
others to respect my tastes.....
% But like you said, time to move on.
% --
% Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
% cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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