F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

David G Fishe

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by David G Fishe » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Anyone truly surprised by this?

David G Fisher

> Yup, its all down to the fact that a sim is threatening GPL.

> Instead of buying it and playing it and practising it, they're just giving
> warez version a few laps and saying its ***'cause they couldn't be
> bothered racing it and finding a right set-up.

> > I have studies the video of one of J Herbert's qualifying laps, and am
> still
> > mystified by what some people say about missing kerbs. Where are they
> > missing?  To me, the kerbs look very accurate.
> > Iain


F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by GraDe » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Yes, Iain got my point totally.

I have driven GPL at lenght, I too ove GPL, its great fun when you are up to
speed, a thrill to dive and even good practice in the kart off season.

The fact is thought, that people are going too far in the glorification of
The fact is that when the GPL demo first came out it was even worse to run
than F1 2000. Its 2 years old now, most people here have a system to more
than satisfy GPL now. Same when for GP2. Even on my current PC, going total
detail on GP2 can caue the odd little stutter on heavy duty tracks. And look
how old that is!

GPL's great, its just not the only sim out there.


F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by GraDe » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I used to it, believe me!


F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by GraDe » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Well Dave, its actually true.
I can't believe the amount of posts claiming o have taken the game back
after 1 trial run. Or even just a few days.

And at that there have been a fair few who, after initially finding it
lacking, fund it very good once given a chance.

David G Fishe

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by David G Fishe » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I always find that my initial impressions of a sim change completely after a
few weeks or a month of game time. At least 30 hours. By then I've tweaked
the graphic and controller settings, and worked on setups which let me
explore the physics model and truly find out how the cars can be driven. I
end up with two vastly different sims.

How someone can buy the game one night, and then write a review the next
morning saying it's a failure is beyond me.

David G Fisher

Remco Moe

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Remco Moe » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I get your point, and kinda agree with it to a certain point. But when
I've to hunt down the Internet to make a game playable, then I
consider the release version a failure.


>I always find that my initial impressions of a sim change completely after a
>few weeks or a month of game time. At least 30 hours. By then I've tweaked
>the graphic and controller settings, and worked on setups which let me
>explore the physics model and truly find out how the cars can be driven. I
>end up with two vastly different sims.

>How someone can buy the game one night, and then write a review the next
>morning saying it's a failure is beyond me.

>David G Fisher

>> > Anyone truly surprised by this?

>> Well Dave, its actually true.
>> I can't believe the amount of posts claiming o have taken the game back
>> after 1 trial run. Or even just a few days.

>> And at that there have been a fair few who, after initially finding it
>> lacking, fund it very good once given a chance.

Andre Warring

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Andre Warring » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

It doesn't take that long to see all the problems with F1 2000


>How long did you actually try it for before your review showed up?

>David G Fisher

>> % Yup, its all down to the fact that a sim is threatening GPL.

>> % Instead of buying it and playing it and practising it, they're just
>giving a
>> % warez version a few laps and saying its ***'cause they couldn't be
>> % bothered racing it and finding a right set-up.

>> Bull crappy!  I bought it and tried it and tweaked it and wasn't happy
>> with it.  Had nothing to do with a warez version (and I don't see it even
>> being close to threatening GPL).  It was an unsatisfying program based
>> on my criteria.  Some like it.....  some simply enjoy it.....  while
>> others have found it too lacking for their tastes.

>> People's tastes and demands in a racing simulation differ.  Just accept
>> that and get on with life.....

>> While your post wasn't specifically directed at me, I resent the
>> disrespect you give me in my evaluation of F1 2000.  Not to mention the
>> disrespect you give others who gave it a fair trail and didn't like the
>> product.

>> --
>> **************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
>>      Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Eldre » Fri, 28 Apr 2000 04:00:00

>Yup, its all down to the fact that a sim is threatening GPL.

>Instead of buying it and playing it and practising it, they're just giving a
>warez version a few laps and saying its ***'cause they couldn't be
>bothered racing it and finding a right set-up.

>> I have studies the video of one of J Herbert's qualifying laps, and am
>> mystified by what some people say about missing kerbs. Where are they
>> missing?  To me, the kerbs look very accurate.
>> Iain

Do you *really* think that the people who've done thousands of laps in
GPL(certainly not me) would shy away from taking time to do the same in F12K?

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Iain Mackenzi

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Iain Mackenzi » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00


> >Yup, its all down to the fact that a sim is threatening GPL.

> >Instead of buying it and playing it and practising it, they're just
giving a
> >warez version a few laps and saying its ***'cause they couldn't be
> >bothered racing it and finding a right set-up.

> >> I have studies the video of one of J Herbert's qualifying laps, and am
> >still
> >> mystified by what some people say about missing kerbs. Where are they
> >> missing?  To me, the kerbs look very accurate.
> >> Iain

> Do you *really* think that the people who've done thousands of laps in
> GPL(certainly not me) would shy away from taking time to do the same in

> Eldred
> --
> Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
> Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

> Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats
> with experience...
> Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.


F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by GraDe » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00


Well to put it simply YES.

As the saying goes "If I had a penny for every time I read someone say they
returned it after 1 run.........."

First time out in F12K it can kinda suck alright.
Depending on your system the game will look totally ***as it tends to turn
as much detail off automatically as possible. After  few clicks on the
options screen this is fine.

The other factor is that guys either turn all aids on thinking they are in
for a ride or turning them all off thinking they can master GPL, these cars
are much easier!
Both are wrong!

If you turn them all on the game practically drives itself.
With them all off, no matter now GPL experienced you are you'll be all over
the place. Since its he first sim I've come across to *really* show the
effects of tire temperature, I see that some people don't seem to be able to
handle it. Thinking they are experts they will run without throttle help.
This in turn will mean they will spin alot and when the rear wheels turn
yellow on the LCD they don't take notice.
The other is the problem most people a the first few days of the sim. The
brakes locked too easily. There was a simple answer. The original setup in
the lame was totally lame, you just couldn';t drive with the thing. People
brought it back saying this was unrealistic.
Now the people who have continued to play it past the first few days made
the effort to actually setup the car. Currently with a good setup, I can
brake very hard without the brakes locking (unless they actually should!).

1 day racers are just hypocrites. You need to know the sim inside and out
before you can judge it fully.

Greg Cisk

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Greg Cisk » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Why would you care? Who is that guy anyway? I am kind of surprised
that you resented his version of how the evaluations went. Frankly I
thought you didn't give it enough time, or you were playing in on
a 233 P2 or something.

But like you said, time to move on.


Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com

Greg Cisk

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Greg Cisk » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Well that does it. I need to apologize to ymenard and I will
certainly return the game now :-)



Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com

> Iain

> > Since you mentioned it, I've noticed that there are no kerbs on the exit
> of
> > Luffield on F12k, but there are in real life, but thats about all.
> > really looked for it before.

> > > I have studies the video of one of J Herbert's qualifying laps, and am
> > still
> > > mystified by what some people say about missing kerbs. Where are they
> > > missing?  To me, the kerbs look very accurate.
> > > Iain

Michael E. Carve

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Michael E. Carve » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

% > While your post wasn't specifically directed at me, I resent the
% > disrespect you give me in my evaluation of F1 2000.  Not to mention the
% > disrespect you give others who gave it a fair trail and didn't like the
% > product.

% Why would you care? Who is that guy anyway? I am kind of surprised
% that you resented his version of how the evaluations went. Frankly I
% thought you didn't give it enough time, or you were playing in on
% a 233 P2 or something.

Gave it over a week on a PIII 650 with Voodoo3 3000....  enough time for
me to know that it was not the sim for me....  I don't need a new toy
just to have a new toy.  I want more from my toys than F12k could
deliver (even with the tweaks).  Those that are enjoying their new toy,
fine.  But, I gave it serious time and trouble because I wanted to enjoy
it.  It just didn't cut the mustard....  I like my beer dark and thick
and with alot of taste and others enjoy Coor's Lite.....   I don't plan
to***in their beer because it isn't up to my standards and expect
others to respect my tastes.....

% But like you said, time to move on.

% --

% Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.

% cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Iain Mackenzi

F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by Iain Mackenzi » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

More detail?



F12K - Silverstone Kerb Inaccuracy where?

by ymenar » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I think Michael explained well enough in multiple messages the reasons.
Just use

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
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