Has anyone tried this? I tried it yesterday on Imola, but the game kept
crashing when the track data was read from the CD.
/Thomas Sundvall
Has anyone tried this? I tried it yesterday on Imola, but the game kept
crashing when the track data was read from the CD.
/Thomas Sundvall
Hi Thomas,
I've used the split screen mode at Monaco and Silverstone with no problems.
I have the full installation though, so I don't know if it loads the tracks
off the CD.
It's fun BTW. Keyboard control is tricky though (I only have one wheel and
no Y connecter to plug two controllers into one joystick port). The game
performance seemed acceptable. In***pit view, you could couldn't see the
***pits though (to tell what gear you're in etc.), so we used the external
Cheers, Gwyn.
Check you still have glide.dll in your Windows\System directory. The install
of the new 2.14 & Orchid 3.0 drivers seem to remove it. I experienced the
same problem with the split screen mode until I put the glide.dll back & the
problem cleared up.
Hope this helps.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- To reply please remove < .nospam > from my e-mail address --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Error, no keyboard - press F1 to continue." - PC Bios Message >/Thomas Sundvall
>Has anyone tried this? I tried it yesterday on Imola, but the game kept
>crashing when the track data was read from the CD.
It was the MS gamepad profiler that caused the problems. I can run
splitscreen mode now after I unloaded the profiler from the system tray.
BTW, I tried installing Orchid's new 3.0 drivers but F1RS didn't recognize
my Righteous as a 3dfx card. So I reverted back to the reference driver.
/Thomas Sundvall
It's also the absence of glide.dll that causes your Orchid card not to be
recognised. Put it back as suggested & you'll be able to use the new drivers
& F1rs will still recognise you have a 3Dfx card.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- To reply please remove < .nospam > from my e-mail address --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Error, no keyboard - press F1 to continue." - PC Bios Message >BTW, I tried installing Orchid's new 3.0 drivers but F1RS didn't recognize >/Thomas Sundvall
>>Check you still have glide.dll in your Windows\System directory. The >>Hope this helps. >>Regards >>DM
>It was the MS gamepad profiler that caused the problems. I can run
>splitscreen mode now after I unloaded the profiler from the system tray.
>my Righteous as a 3dfx card. So I reverted back to the reference driver.
>>of the new 2.14 & Orchid 3.0 drivers seem to remove it. I experienced the
>>same problem with the split screen mode until I put the glide.dll back &
>>problem cleared up.