Hey guys,
well, yeah , I know it's not an official /sim/ in the strictest sense,
it's a racing arcade game, but.....
When the demo of POD came out I cut through all of the hype and gave
it a try, it was cool, but it seemed to have some little issues that
needed to be worked out. Just recently they have released another
shareware multiplayer version, that comes with a player designed POD
car, and a new track. (that's one of the best things about this game,
it is very customizable. Tons of new tracks and cars are available.)
I tried these out on UbiSofts new online *** service, and it's
pretty damn fun.
Really competitive , serious racing for the most part. If I made a
mistake and hit a wall, the other racers were gone, all just racing
instead of fooling around or smashing into each other,.
In other multiplayer games, such as Interstate 76, you have a lot of
hackers who come in with their invincible cars, in POD there are built
in secrets to the tracks, so there really is'nt any reason to cheat,
just drive fast and learn the track.
You guys should check it out if you'd like a nice break from your
intricate car setups and ultra-realistic sims.
It's fun.
(I'm not affiliated with any of these companies, but here is an
article on POD: http://www.racesimcentral.net/)
Just thought you might like to know..