Actually, this game, while being a little capricious to set up (picky on graphic
driver, steering wheel has to be controller one), is the best fun I had since
Screamer 2 and Screamer Rally.
This is a genuine Arcade Game with an outstanding gameplay. Forget all that
rubbish about "realism" which only makes a game ***y boring. This one is fast
and unforgiving.
Opponents cars will give you the ride of your life. They are mean and though and
won't hesitate to throw you in the ditch at the first occasion.
The tracks are fun and diversified, some of them will fast become your favorites
but other will be a total nightmare even after many tries (Yeah!! Grim Up North
is a killer!!)
I tried'em all, from GP3, Grand Prix Legends, Monaco RS, Rally Championship
2000, Colin McRae 2 and undeniably, these are awesome games in their own right.
But for pure instant fun, eracer is right there on top with these titles.
Congrats for a job very well done Rage. We need more game that actually PLAY
LIKE GAMES instead of being soporific 64-zilliabit Z-texel graphic showrooms for
hardware reviewers that don't play games!!! BTW, graphics also also very good on
Go out, buy it, tweak it, and have an amazing time!!
Guillaume Carrier
>>On Mon, 28 May 2001 19:53:37 +0200, "sudesh"
>>>Can i set split axis in the full game?
>>No. Sucks!
>>>The demo only seems to let you set the throttle, not the brake (releasing
>>>the throttle becomes the brake...)
>>No. Sucks even more.
>>>Does the game have FF, nothing on my LWFF right now...
>No, SUCKS! I deleted this game after 5 minutes, total piece of rubbish
>>Dunno, don't haven a FF device.