>Therein lies the grey area software companies need to weigh up. Guys
>on this newsgroup are investing thousands in whole new systems just
>for GPL and you're undecided about whether to buy a card that's about
>the same price as the game. Such a diverse reaction.
CPR), and certainly the card I have has been a joy up until this point
when there was a new piece of software I wanted. (Papy doesn't put
stuff out often).
Now for the *** theory, just for everyone's amu***t. Racing
simmers are a peculiar breed of gamer. They tend to be a little older
and have a little more cash than the average 15 year old Unreal or Q2
player. Many have the means to consider a single sim to be a reason to
buy a certain kind of hardware. In a way, this gives the software guys
a liberty to hold on to certain hardware constraints that other game
designers are not allowed by the market to do. That is, for CPR to
sell well (and not just build ill will for MS, which is already seen
as the devil), it can't ask the average Joes and Janes to buy a
special or obscure card to run their software on- they must design the
software such that it is available to everybody with an average
machine. Pisses the simmers off, but hey- simmers are a definite
minority int he grand scheme.
The future is not writing for specific video card APIs, any more than
the future of programming isn't an eventual return to assembly
language. Eventually you have compilers that are smarter than any
assembly language guru, and likewise, eventually you have graphics
standards that cant talk to 20 different types of hardware and
operating systems better than any but the most narrow-focused
programmers could talk to any one card through some OS they know
The thing that bugs me about Papyrus' release here is not that they
released a rendition and a 3dfx version, but that they did this
without the "generic" graphics API version. People here blame it on
"lack of time" or "lack of performance"- but I think both are bull.
First off, if you want to see a lack of performance, pick the "none"
category for graphics cards, and *look at the non-accelerated
version*. That's no performance. And that is what the minimum specs on
the box are selling- and I daresay that the average joe or Jane seeing
the glossy box, reading the minimum requirements, and splurging will
get this home and never, ever see anything other than this (at 9FPS,
and blocky). A D3D version would work orders of magnitude better. I
mean, it isn't just speed the prprietary card gives- Papy's graphics
just plain look incomplete without the graphics card doing it's
tricks. They wrote this for a card- too bad the min. req. didn't say
that. (simmers all knew this, but that is because they spend a lot of
time around here. The average consumer doesn't).
Secondly, too much time to build in the universal API version... ?
Logically, that should be the one you start with! Later, in the
optimization stage, you make some hot-rodded version. But granted that
Papy was working on this years ago, when D3D was not so hot and nobody
but wizards really considered OpenGL on a PC, I guess we can let them
off the hook a bit on that one. But regardless- what is this "native
support for rendition"- why rendition? I know there is a Papy history
of being in bed with rendition... and that helps put this whole thing
in perspective. The whole "proprietary card only" thing is fishy.
I've wondered why exactly there has been so much fuss and emotion over
my and other complaints that Papy provided no standardized support for
this sim- until I realized that people that bought proprietary gear to
run this sim or some other game have a vested stake that the industry
stick with keeping the proprietary standards they paid for as a
priority. They are glad there is still special support for "just
them", and many seem to hope that standardized support doesn't come,
it seems.
SO basically, you have the software company in bed with the hardware
guys, and the users that paid for the hardware and the software
devoted passionately to the two because of their own investment.
Pretty nice situation for Papy, I'd say.
Far cry from Id, who consistently used its clout in the industry to
*put standards in place.* OpenGL was not what many people considered a
wise direction 3 or 4 years ago... but Id, understanding the
shortsightedness of proprietary hardware APIs, and forever aware of
Microsoft trying to push a mediocre standard in place of an already
better existant one, pushed OpenGL. Now OpenGL it is a standard that
must be obeyed by all video card manufacturers- why? Because so many
millions of people play Q2. They knew they could force people to buy
hardware- they sort of did once already (Doom was itself apparently a
major motivation for hundreds of thousands of people to buy PCs
instead of Macs).
Hard to think of the guys at Id as saints! But in the end, they did
more than force OpenGL down the industry's throats- they helped
pressure Microsoft to develop a much better 3D API than they propably
ever would have with no competition and the ability to force their
standard on the world.
OK- end of amusing *** theory.