a friend of mine.
Basic specs: P3 1Ghz, 256MB SDRAM, Radeon 64MB DDR vivo (Omega drivers),
Terratec 1024 soundcard, LWFF wheel, Win98.
Everything installed fine, menus seemed ok, went through all the options. So
then it's time to take the Ferrari out for a spin. But the in-game graphics
were so corrupted (every circuit, every race type), it just made the game
totally unplayable: you could only see part of the road in front of you, and
above this point the graphics were very badly disturbed (as if the textures
were very bright and liquid, and getting mixed up as you drove). So from
left to right, part of the road and part of the sky is completely messed up,
but above that 'belt' the sky suddenly looks normal again! It was like
driving in hell.
Anyway, we tried all sorts of things to cure this, to no avail. Looked
around the web for people with similar problems, messed with some settings
in the f1car.gen file, tried lower resolution, tried 16 bit instead of 32
bit, tried medium 3D settings, uninstalled, reinstalled (couldn't run game,
had to uninstall patch separately), installed latest Omega drivers,
reinstalled DirectX 8.1...
What more can one do? (apart from jumping from a rather high building)
Anyone recognize the problem?
Ice D
Ps: can you take screenshots in the game?