I know one thing, I uninstalled the LWFF software and the Act Labs
wheel works WAY nicer. I'm keeping that one in Win2K and installing
the LWFF software in my Win98 boot.
Thanks for the tips, Jens
>probably you have to clear out the registry.
>start-button - run - "regedit"
>look in hkey_local machine - software for any ActLabs- and LWFF-residuals and
>delete them.
>Reboot and install the LWFF-software again.
>BTW: Follow the LWFF instruction in detail:
>First software, then plug in the wheel at PC off
>Then fire up.
>Yesterday I had problems myself when being a bit sloppy.
>>Got it, tried it, it said there was no calibration data. I guess that
>>isn't it.
>>Still can't get it to work. Will go back to Force RS and see if that
>>works yet, or if I've lost FF everywhere!
>LWFF Ball Bearing conversion at:
>GPLRank: -8.3
Tom Hesselman
Greenville, WI
thosj at new dot r r dot com