I've been using a LWFF (USB) for about seven months without any
But while running a race on Fontana in GPL the other day all FF
suddenly went away while cornering. The wheel still worked, but all FF
effects were gone.
I restarted the computer and tried Fontana again and after a couple of
laps the same problem arose. After yet another attempt at Fontana with
the same problem I switched to Snetterton. No problem at all on this or
other road circuits.
The way I drive at Fontana means that I hardly move the wheel at all in
the corners, I keep it at the same position almost all through the
So I'm beginning to think the reason for my problem can be:
1. The wheel has some mechanism which shuts the motor off if it has
been applying force for a while and the wheel doesn't move at all.
(happens in long constant radius corners like Fontana).
2. Overheating problem which causes the LWFF motor auto shutdown.
I'm using relatively high forces for the wheel (Eric Cote's settings
slightly modified).
Any ideas? Am I alone with this problem?
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