Thats what I was thinking until I was told the damage medeling related
to carshapes are isnt correct. Thats what changed my mind back to PWF
TA. I'm not saying we can't use the TPTCC version but those are pretty
big issues for me.
We still have almost two weeks before we run TA so hopefully something
will happen soon with either TPTCC or PWF and we can enjoy full TA.
----->>> This message posted using Pineapple News for BeOS R5 <<<-----
> Why not use the 'TPTCC'mod from The Pits... same physics.
> --
> ed_
>> Well, not seeing much of a need to practice the Talladega Truck
> Race, I've
>> skipped ahead to the Jan 3 Kyalami PWF race.
>> A couple of things:
>> 1. After about 20 min of practice, I'm turning 18.5's. How far off
> the
>> Alien pace am I?
>> 2. Any way to change the car file for this series ? I dumped my
> GNS car
> in
>> the PTA folder where it should go, but it does not appear.
>> Will we have 20+ copies of the "Terminator" body style running
> around the
>> track ?
>> -Larry