I think Neil is closer to the mark in saying most guys this side of the pond
haven't tried PWF's Kyalami yet, although I'm sure it also has to do with
what I prefer to call confidence.
Seeing as most will have extensive experience at this Kyalami layout using
GPL, it's more a matter of familiarizing oneself with the car and the setup,
rather than learning the quick way around the track. A much shorter process,
which can be performed much closer to the race.
I do rate myself as a roadcourse and GT driver. Heck, I'm even***y enough
to rate myself as a stockcar/oval driver. I think I do alright for myself
despite a lack of raw speed. IMO it's essential for a racecar driver (real
or virtual) to have the inner belief/arrogance to think he can outdrive
anyone else on raceday.
I think the same or similar applies to most drivers in RASCAR. Whether this
shows up in our demeanor is a matter of debate. In my experience, RASCARians
are, by far, not the worst offenders in this category. There is the odd
"tongue in cheek" comment and the odd friendly rib (usually among guys who
race together in other leagues), but on the whole I think most egos are kept
firmly in check.
If you disagree and you think a particular person has an ego problem,
there's only one sure fire way to deflate it... on track. <vbg>
The car grips a ton and then more or less lets go. It's hard to overdo it,
but when you do, you do burn off a lot of speed, which will show up on the
clock. It's going to be very important to approach the limit "from the good
side" in these races, IMO.
Sorry to hear that. You got one thing going for you... they might think
twice about firing someone at Christmas.
Bring it on! ;-)