GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

Russell Keatin

GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Russell Keatin » Fri, 03 Sep 1999 04:00:00

I installed and have played the GPL 1.1 version (patch) with no problems.
All of a sudden a few days ago, I get lockups.  The screen and sounds freeze
(while driving) and the only recovery is to hit the reset switch on the PC.

I deleted GPL, reinstalled from the CD and then applied the patch.  Still
the problem existed.

I delete GPL and only installed from the CD (no 1.1 patch) and the problem
seams to have disappeared.

Very strange that I had no problem so long with 1.1 and then all of a sudden
problems start.

I had not installed any new hardware or software during this time.

Any insight to this mystery is appreciated.

Russell Keating

David L. Coo

GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by David L. Coo » Fri, 03 Sep 1999 04:00:00

Same for me.  Happened twice Tuesday night.  One of the times I was running
second at Monza in my Eagle with a Ferrari in front of me and a Lotus
behind, doing some awesome racing - then coming out of Parabolica just
getting ready to make a run on 1st - FREEZE :(

No problems last night though.  Before that it had been a while since I had
this problem.  The only thing I've changed is the installation of the Win98
Service Pack 1.  I should never have touched that...

David Cook

Dan Kap

GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Dan Kap » Sat, 04 Sep 1999 04:00:00

I also have/had the same problem recently.   Freezing video and sound, all
of a sudden.   I just replaced my V2 SLI setup with a V3 and I assumed that
was the culprit.    It sounds like others have recently had similar
"freezes".   However, I was able to race yesterday for about an hour with no
lock up.

I hope this is found to be a squashable bug.


> Same for me.  Happened twice Tuesday night.  One of the times I was
> second at Monza in my Eagle with a Ferrari in front of me and a Lotus
> behind, doing some awesome racing - then coming out of Parabolica just
> getting ready to make a run on 1st - FREEZE :(

> No problems last night though.  Before that it had been a while since I
> this problem.  The only thing I've changed is the installation of the
> Service Pack 1.  I should never have touched that...

> David Cook

> > I installed and have played the GPL 1.1 version (patch) with no
> > All of a sudden a few days ago, I get lockups.  The screen and sounds
> freeze
> > (while driving) and the only recovery is to hit the reset switch on the
> PC.

> > I deleted GPL, reinstalled from the CD and then applied the patch.
> > the problem existed.

> > I delete GPL and only installed from the CD (no 1.1 patch) and the
> > seams to have disappeared.

> > Very strange that I had no problem so long with 1.1 and then all of a
> sudden
> > problems start.

> > I had not installed any new hardware or software during this time.

> > Any insight to this mystery is appreciated.

> > Thanks
> > Russell Keating

Fredrik Th?rnel

GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Fredrik Th?rnel » Sat, 04 Sep 1999 04:00:00

> I installed and have played the GPL 1.1 version (patch) with no problems.
> All of a sudden a few days ago, I get lockups.  The screen and sounds freeze
> (while driving) and the only recovery is to hit the reset switch on the PC.

I would guess your 3Dfx card has developed a thermal error.

I had this - bad. Along with the occasional problem of the graphic textures
getting corrupted. Things ending up in weird patterns, semi-transparent etc
etc etc. Both these problems happened in other 3Dfx applications too, but more
so in the graphics intensive ones.

What solved it was improving the ventilation to the 3Dfx board. I taped over
some other ventilation holes and took away the cover for the (empty) card slot
below the 3Dfx card. If you're overclocking your 3Dfx, setting it back to
normal frequency could help too.

Since then, I've only seen the lockup twice, and never the graphics
corruption. OTOH, GPL has taken to crashing to desktop a bit, especially when
I crash hard. Maybe it's a hidden feature of v1.1 to add a bit of realism? :D

Too bad it did it tonight, after me recording my two ever fastest laps at
Monza in a race. JUST as the "save replay" dialog box came up! And no, the
"fastest lap" statistics get saved sometime after that... *grrrrr*


Wolfgang Preis

GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Wolfgang Preis » Sat, 04 Sep 1999 04:00:00

>I also have/had the same problem recently.   Freezing video and sound, all
>of a sudden.   I just replaced my V2 SLI setup with a V3 and I assumed that
>was the culprit.    It sounds like others have recently had similar
>"freezes".   However, I was able to race yesterday for about an hour with no
>lock up.

>I hope this is found to be a squashable bug.

This sounds like a heat related issue. If you have a V3 2000, add a
fan. If you have a V3 3000 (or higher), make sure the airflow to the
fan/heatsink is not blocked by other cards, cables etc.

Wolfgang Preiss   \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.


GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Aubre » Sat, 04 Sep 1999 04:00:00

Before you test out these theories about overheating and such, be sure
you're running the right version of Glide.  GPL only seems to work with
2.53.  You can download it from  Just copy the
dll to your GPL directory.

>I installed and have played the GPL 1.1 version (patch) with no problems.
>All of a sudden a few days ago, I get lockups.  The screen and sounds
>(while driving) and the only recovery is to hit the reset switch on the PC.

>I deleted GPL, reinstalled from the CD and then applied the patch.  Still
>the problem existed.

>I delete GPL and only installed from the CD (no 1.1 patch) and the problem
>seams to have disappeared.

>Very strange that I had no problem so long with 1.1 and then all of a
>problems start.

>I had not installed any new hardware or software during this time.

>Any insight to this mystery is appreciated.

>Russell Keating

Olav K. Malm

GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Olav K. Malm » Sat, 04 Sep 1999 04:00:00

> Before you test out these theories about overheating and such, be sure
> you're running the right version of Glide.  GPL only seems to work with
> 2.53.  You can download it from  Just copy the
> dll to your GPL directory.

This is very wrong :)

GPL works with the latest Quake3-drivers, for both V2 and V3. With the 1.1
patch the V3 worked without any Banshee-fix or any other hazzle too.

> >I installed and have played the GPL 1.1 version (patch) with no problems.
> >All of a sudden a few days ago, I get lockups.  The screen and sounds
> freeze
> >(while driving) and the only recovery is to hit the reset switch on the PC.

> >I deleted GPL, reinstalled from the CD and then applied the patch.  Still
> >the problem existed.

> >I delete GPL and only installed from the CD (no 1.1 patch) and the problem
> >seams to have disappeared.

> >Very strange that I had no problem so long with 1.1 and then all of a
> sudden
> >problems start.

> >I had not installed any new hardware or software during this time.

> >Any insight to this mystery is appreciated.

What kind of graphics card do you use ? I got a trouble with Half-Life locking
up, and yesterday I checked the temperature of the heatsink on the Voodoo3
chip. It was 70 degrees celcius hot, and I guess that is a bit out of range.

Olav K. Malmin
remove spam when replying


GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Thos » Sat, 04 Sep 1999 04:00:00

My v3 3500 doesn't have a fan. Should it? It has a heat sink.

I am having lockups in GPL v1.1 also, but NOT if I run 640x480. Just
installed v3 3500 and assumed that. Maybe it is heat. I have a couple fans
laying around, will try jury rigging one up on the 3500 later today.

> >I also have/had the same problem recently.   Freezing video and sound,
> >of a sudden.   I just replaced my V2 SLI setup with a V3 and I assumed
> >was the culprit.    It sounds like others have recently had similar
> >"freezes".   However, I was able to race yesterday for about an hour with
> >lock up.

> >I hope this is found to be a squashable bug.

> This sounds like a heat related issue. If you have a V3 2000, add a
> fan. If you have a V3 3000 (or higher), make sure the airflow to the
> fan/heatsink is not blocked by other cards, cables etc.

> --
> Wolfgang Preiss   \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.


Gene Boni

GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Gene Boni » Sat, 04 Sep 1999 04:00:00

Yep, sounds exactly like the problems I was having. Turned up the air
conditioning and they have gone away completely!


> > I installed and have played the GPL 1.1 version (patch) with no
> > All of a sudden a few days ago, I get lockups.  The screen and sounds
> > (while driving) and the only recovery is to hit the reset switch on the

> I would guess your 3Dfx card has developed a thermal error.

> I had this - bad. Along with the occasional problem of the graphic
> getting corrupted. Things ending up in weird patterns, semi-transparent
> etc etc. Both these problems happened in other 3Dfx applications too, but
> so in the graphics intensive ones.

> What solved it was improving the ventilation to the 3Dfx board. I taped
> some other ventilation holes and took away the cover for the (empty) card
> below the 3Dfx card. If you're overclocking your 3Dfx, setting it back to
> normal frequency could help too.

> Since then, I've only seen the lockup twice, and never the graphics
> corruption. OTOH, GPL has taken to crashing to desktop a bit, especially
> I crash hard. Maybe it's a hidden feature of v1.1 to add a bit of realism?

> Too bad it did it tonight, after me recording my two ever fastest laps at
> Monza in a race. JUST as the "save replay" dialog box came up! And no, the
> "fastest lap" statistics get saved sometime after that... *grrrrr*

> Cheers,
>    /ft

Wolfgang Preis

GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Wolfgang Preis » Sat, 04 Sep 1999 04:00:00

>My v3 3500 doesn't have a fan. Should it? It has a heat sink.

Maybe I am misinformed - I only have a humble v3 2000 and was under
the impression that the 3000s (and up) had a fan, whereas the 2000s
didn't. Anyway, I'm going to attach a fan to my card, even though I
didn't have problems yet - did you ever touch the heatsink of the v3?
It's *hot*, even if the card is just idling in Win9x 2D desktop

>I am having lockups in GPL v1.1 also, but NOT if I run 640x480. Just
>installed v3 3500 and assumed that. Maybe it is heat. I have a couple fans
>laying around, will try jury rigging one up on the 3500 later today.

>> This sounds like a heat related issue. If you have a V3 2000, add a
>> fan. If you have a V3 3000 (or higher), make sure the airflow to the
>> fan/heatsink is not blocked by other cards, cables etc.

Wolfgang Preiss   \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.

Wolfgang Preis

GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Wolfgang Preis » Sat, 04 Sep 1999 04:00:00

>Before you test out these theories about overheating and such, be sure
>you're running the right version of Glide.  GPL only seems to work with
>2.53.  You can download it from  Just copy the
>dll to your GPL directory.

This might be a good advice for Voodoo2 owners (even though a bit
outdated), but it is just plain wrong regarding the Voodoo3 cards.
Glide 2.53 is an older version for the v2. The current version of
glide2x.dll for the v3 is 2.61.

Wolfgang Preiss   \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.


GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Aubre » Sat, 04 Sep 1999 04:00:00

oops!  that's right of course, sorry!

>>Before you test out these theories about overheating and such, be sure
>>you're running the right version of Glide.  GPL only seems to work with
>>2.53.  You can download it from  Just copy
>>dll to your GPL directory.

>This might be a good advice for Voodoo2 owners (even though a bit
>outdated), but it is just plain wrong regarding the Voodoo3 cards.
>Glide 2.53 is an older version for the v2. The current version of
>glide2x.dll for the v3 is 2.61.

>Wolfgang Preiss   \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.


Russell Keatin

GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Russell Keatin » Sun, 05 Sep 1999 04:00:00

Well maybe it is heat related.  640x480 runs fine, but 800x600 locks up
(tested on GPL version 1.1).

Russell Keating

> I installed and have played the GPL 1.1 version (patch) with no problems.
> All of a sudden a few days ago, I get lockups.  The screen and sounds
> (while driving) and the only recovery is to hit the reset switch on the


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Joel Willstei

GPL 1.1 starting to have lockups now.

by Joel Willstei » Tue, 07 Sep 1999 04:00:00

>>My v3 3500 doesn't have a fan. Should it? It has a heat sink.

>Maybe I am misinformed - I only have a humble v3 2000 and was under
>the impression that the 3000s (and up) had a fan, whereas the 2000s
>didn't. Anyway, I'm going to attach a fan to my card, even though I
>didn't have problems yet - did you ever touch the heatsink of the v3?
>It's *hot*, even if the card is just idling in Win9x 2D desktop

    I have a Voodoo3 3000,and it didn't come with a fan. I installed the
biggest case fan I could.

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