TOCA 2 design - your input please...

Gavin Raebu

TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Gavin Raebu » Tue, 07 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Official announcement from Codemasters:

We are currently developing TOCA 2 for release this Christmas.
Although the design brief has already been worked out, we would be
interested to hear posts from you on the following two points:

1, What new features would you like to see in the game. I should point
out that _every_ message posted in this news group has already been
read and the points raised addressed, so there is no need to re-post
old points/messages. i.e. we will have native graphics card versions
of TOCA 2 including Glide, all the tracks unlocked from the beginning,
car set-up, pits, mirrors, arcade/simulation modes etc...

2, What hardware problems did you have with TOCA 2 and what solutions,
if any, did you find. (controllers, graphics cards, sound cards,
general machine problems etc).


Gavin Raeburn
TOCA 2 producer


TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Rich » Tue, 07 Jul 1998 04:00:00

You must implement a much wider range of control options i.e. us ch
virtual pilot and pro pedals users are still driving automatic touring
cars with the acc/brake on fun:( I vote all developers
should look at the end user requests....good initiative youse
guys....p.s.  i sure hope colin mcrae has support for ch pedals

>Official announcement from Codemasters:

>We are currently developing TOCA 2 for release this Christmas.
>Although the design brief has already been worked out, we would be
>interested to hear posts from you on the following two points:

>1, What new features would you like to see in the game. I should point
>out that _every_ message posted in this news group has already been
>read and the points raised addressed, so there is no need to re-post
>old points/messages. i.e. we will have native graphics card versions
>of TOCA 2 including Glide, all the tracks unlocked from the beginning,
>car set-up, pits, mirrors, arcade/simulation modes etc...

>2, What hardware problems did you have with TOCA 2 and what solutions,
>if any, did you find. (controllers, graphics cards, sound cards,
>general machine problems etc).


>Gavin Raeburn
>TOCA 2 producer


TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Jo » Tue, 07 Jul 1998 04:00:00

>2, What hardware problems did you have with TOCA 2 and what solutions,
>if any, did you find. (controllers, graphics cards, sound cards,
>general machine problems etc).

I never did get a satisfactory steering experience with my
Thrustmaster T2 (using an ordinary P200, 3Dfx, Soundblaster 16
soundcard - also tried a Thrustmaster variable speed gamecard whcih
was even worse). I tried every trick people suggested - latest
DirectX, using Thrustmaster Propanel, latest TOCA patch. It got
somewhat better, but stil leans left enough that the car is unstable
and has a tendency to lurch ***ly. It basically made the game
unplayable for me.

It's time to face reality - DirectInput sucks. You need to have custom
joystick code that bypasses DirectInput completely and reads the
joystick port directly, like papyrus has done in Grand Prix Legends.
I'm convinced that's the only way you'll ever get really high quality
defice input in Windows95.


Chris Well

TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Chris Well » Tue, 07 Jul 1998 04:00:00


I have (over) played the 3dfx PC version of this game.  Some suggestions,

1. Track editor
2. Failures, such as suspension/tyres (including option to turn this off of
3. Detailed car set-ups as already mentioned, take a look at the playstation
game "Gran Tourismo" I think this is one of the better driving games as
handling characteristics go.  In Toca 1, 9 times out of 10 once you "lost"
the car it would go straight off the track.
4. I know that the point of the game is to emulate the British Touring car
championship, but how about street type races included??  there was the
lavaland track remember!

I have seen the screenshots on game-online, looks like I will need a voodoo2
and a PII to make it look that good?

My current system is

Intel P233 mmx
Orchid 3DFX
Awe 64 value
128mb Ram
Logitech wingman light joystick

I had no problems setting up or running Toca 1.

Chris Wells

Andrew MacPhers

TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Andrew MacPhers » Tue, 07 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Hi Gavin,

I bought Toca when it first came out in the UK after looking forward to it
for a long time. IM(very H)O you got a lot of things right. The sense of
racing was very good, and the fx were often excellent. But the promised
(in reviews at least) realistic driving model just wasn't there for me.

I'm sure you guys have spent a while looking at GPL. Well, I certainly
don't want another late 60's GP car, but I'd kill for a Touring Car sim
which made me feel as if I was really in charge of the car in the way GPL
manages. Heck, I'll drive *any* sim vehicle as long as it gives me that
feeling of being in control of a "real" vehicle. (Not sure I'd want a
Massey Ferguson sim, but I think you know what I mean :-)

Of course Toca1 may be giving me that already and I just don't appreciate
it, but adding car setups and so on will mean nothing (and are often
ignored anyway) if the driver doesn't get that sense of control.

In short (which was all you wanted in the 1st place ;-) Give me a driving
model I can really believe in and you can have my 35 quid now.

Andrew McP

PS Actually the tractor sim might be a real hit. Anyone fancy a
competition for ploughing the straightest furrow?

Oh, ok... suit yourselves then :-)

Rob Goodiso

TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Rob Goodiso » Tue, 07 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Hi Gav,

Great idea using the newsgroup as a sounding board...wish more developers
would take notice.

The features that I would like to see considered are:-

1. Force feedback support.
2. An variable difficulty setting, so you can race as hard or as easy as you
want. People have a wide range of abilities, so cater for them- have a
variable difficulty setting so everyone can get the most out of the game.
3. Sort out the cars handling. With a GP1 ( not the best controller
admittedly ), even on low steering sensitivity, it is very easy to spin the
car. For accurate handling, the steering should be made heavier, although if
there was an option to change this more accurately, it would suit everyone.
4. Variable resolution settings, rather than the default 640x480. Would love
to see it be able to run in 1024x768 on a SLI-enabled Voodoo2.
5. 3d audio

More to follow shortly...


>Official announcement from Codemasters:

>We are currently developing TOCA 2 for release this Christmas.
>Although the design brief has already been worked out, we would be
>interested to hear posts from you on the following two points:

>1, What new features would you like to see in the game. I should point
>out that _every_ message posted in this news group has already been
>read and the points raised addressed, so there is no need to re-post
>old points/messages. i.e. we will have native graphics card versions
>of TOCA 2 including Glide, all the tracks unlocked from the beginning,
>car set-up, pits, mirrors, arcade/simulation modes etc...

>2, What hardware problems did you have with TOCA 2 and what solutions,
>if any, did you find. (controllers, graphics cards, sound cards,
>general machine problems etc).


>Gavin Raeburn
>TOCA 2 producer

Jason Mond

TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Jason Mond » Tue, 07 Jul 1998 04:00:00

> 1, What new features would you like to see in the game.
> Thanks,

> Gavin Raeburn
> TOCA 2 producer

Hi Gavin,

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to play TOCA1.   The demo looked great
on a 3Dfx card and I was anticipating the release in Canada.  Too bad it
is sooo hard to find.

My only suggestions are:

1. Please make it available in Western Canada for Christmas as well.
    I actually will buy it if I can find it.
2. Design it for internet play.  Allow a reduced number of packets and

(Remove no extra spork when replying)

Paul Jone

TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Paul Jone » Wed, 08 Jul 1998 04:00:00


Great news!!!

TOCA is very special - certainly my very favorite sim. Remember you can't
please all the people all the time - some people want complex sims where
half the work is done in setups and some people want arcade games that are
fun but bear little relation to reality. TOCA is special (almost unique)
because it fits in so nicely between these two. It is realistic without
being complex and you can race in realistic races without a degree in car
mecanics. So please don't kill off all the good things in TOCA and ignore
the very many of us who love TOCA in part because of the lovely balance it
strikes. Also BTCC is not like F1, Indy, Le Mans, Nascar or Rally and
certainly not Need For Speed or Grand Turismo. Please don't be influenced
by people who understand other formulas in great depth but not necessarily
Touring Cars.

What TOCA 2 should have is:
1) Race and time-trial replays from above, outside, inside etc.
2) Real damage (optional) and not just visual.
3) Record best splits so we can improve and review our times.
4) A non-crackable checksum algoritm.
5) Don't include the flexmobile in the best laps or your website hall of
fame. It's not realistic.
6) Don't make the AI drivers so foolishly aggressive or punish them with
warnings and spins.
7) Update to the 1998 season with the Nescafe Blend 37 Renault's etc.
8) Include pit-stops with option of changing side wheels or front wheels
and reflect the choice in the performance of the car.
9) Improve the graphics but don't lose the feel of speed.
10) Support for wheels that support independant brake/throttle.
11) Tyre changes as only setttings.
12) Variable weather to tempt us into the pits for a tyre change when it
turns inclement mid-race.
13) In race commentary (optional).
14) Option to turn off ghost car completely.
15) Make the AI drivers qualification times realistic (39.19 round Brands
Hatch Indy - the lap record is 44 something) and in line with their more
realistic drive times.
16) Don't force us to jettison all the skills we have learnt on TOCA 1 -
ie keep the basic driving and physics model broadly similar but fix the
problem where the front wheel drive cars sometimes behave like rear wheel
ones. And make the four drive Audis behave as such.
17) Save best laps achieved in qualification and not just time-trial ones.

18) Allow best lap to be loaded from a directory of choice. It's a pain
having to faff around backing up own best laps and copying downloaded ones
in directory.
19) Optionally give us more laps to qualify from.
20) Make all levels of championship hard level not easy ones easy and
later ones harder. Or let us select the degree of difficulty of the
21) Have the two races at a meet a sprint race and a feature race just
like the 1998 season.
22) Include the independants and perhaps change and improve the car
performance for the works models during the season but not for the
independants so that they fall off down the ranking during the season just
like the real thing.
23) Don't kick drivers out of the championship at least not out of new
only hard level one.
24) Telemetry so we can analyse are race performance (not out race setup).

25) Brake lights on ghost car so we can see where it's braking.
26) Flags yellow blue etc just like real race.
27) Have lapped cars let you pass and certainly not try and knock you off.

28) Road graphics that show the tyre marks of other drivers.
29) Real time rendered cars.

And what TOCA should not lose are:
1) The level of driving realism it has. People claim that once you begin
to lose the car there's no way back. I say pratice more. The tyres do
squeal and the car does jerk before you lose it but only fractionally so
and you CAN recover and if you start to spin - you just have to develop
the reactions and knowledge of what to do. Please don't make it too easy.
2) The simplicity of the interface. Please don't bury us with layers of
car setups. Some enjoy this - but there are plenty of sims to satisfy
them. In any case how can you model the setting when the car parts are
constantly changing through the season. I want a realistic sim without all
that. Please leave us TOCA and leave the complex setting to the
super-sims. Let us drive world rating laps without having to get under the
bonnet (hood).
3) Don't make it arcadey like Grand Turismo, Need-for-speed or NICE -
there are plenty of them as well. I hate the cartoon skies, lavaland and
and all that. Please leave them as optional extras and leave us models of
real tracks, real cars and real championships. By all means add extra
tracks. How about the Aussie Touring Car championship - that's really
close to the British one. But is you do include it setup the cars to match
it and keep the Aussie cars to the Aussie championship and the British
ones to the BTCC.
4) Preserve the same car handling in easy modes as ***es. Don't make
an easy handling mode and a difficult one.
5) Don't get drawn down silly paths like off-road racing. Make people buy
Colin McRae rally if they want that. Or some arcade game.

I'll probably think of more things immediately I hit the send button. I
would be more than willing to give you as much assistance as I can. If
you're looking for beta-testers....
Thanks very much for TOCA - you've given a lot of us a lot of pleasure.


> Official announcement from Codemasters:

> We are currently developing TOCA 2 for release this Christmas.
> Although the design brief has already been worked out, we would be
> interested to hear posts from you on the following two points:

> 1, What new features would you like to see in the game. I should point
> out that _every_ message posted in this news group has already been
> read and the points raised addressed, so there is no need to re-post
> old points/messages. i.e. we will have native graphics card versions
> of TOCA 2 including Glide, all the tracks unlocked from the beginning,
> car set-up, pits, mirrors, arcade/simulation modes etc...

> 2, What hardware problems did you have with TOCA 2 and what solutions,
> if any, did you find. (controllers, graphics cards, sound cards,
> general machine problems etc).

> Thanks,

> Gavin Raeburn
> TOCA 2 producer

Paul Jone

TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Paul Jone » Wed, 08 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Oh yeah, and get rid of the grannies that drive round the circuit at 20mph
when you trying to get a pole! Either that or let us choose when to go out and
have the AI drivers on the circuit during qualifying, driving at the speeds
they would need for the qualifying times they are notching up.

> Gavin,

> Great news!!!

> TOCA is very special - certainly my very favorite sim. Remember you can't
> please all the people all the time - some people want complex sims where
> half the work is done in setups and some people want arcade games that are
> fun but bear little relation to reality. TOCA is special (almost unique)
> because it fits in so nicely between these two. It is realistic without
> being complex and you can race in realistic races without a degree in car
> mecanics. So please don't kill off all the good things in TOCA and ignore
> the very many of us who love TOCA in part because of the lovely balance it
> strikes. Also BTCC is not like F1, Indy, Le Mans, Nascar or Rally and
> certainly not Need For Speed or Grand Turismo. Please don't be influenced
> by people who understand other formulas in great depth but not necessarily
> Touring Cars.

> What TOCA 2 should have is:
> 1) Race and time-trial replays from above, outside, inside etc.
> 2) Real damage (optional) and not just visual.
> 3) Record best splits so we can improve and review our times.
> 4) A non-crackable checksum algoritm.
> 5) Don't include the flexmobile in the best laps or your website hall of
> fame. It's not realistic.
> 6) Don't make the AI drivers so foolishly aggressive or punish them with
> warnings and spins.
> 7) Update to the 1998 season with the Nescafe Blend 37 Renault's etc.
> 8) Include pit-stops with option of changing side wheels or front wheels
> and reflect the choice in the performance of the car.
> 9) Improve the graphics but don't lose the feel of speed.
> 10) Support for wheels that support independant brake/throttle.
> 11) Tyre changes as only setttings.
> 12) Variable weather to tempt us into the pits for a tyre change when it
> turns inclement mid-race.
> 13) In race commentary (optional).
> 14) Option to turn off ghost car completely.
> 15) Make the AI drivers qualification times realistic (39.19 round Brands
> Hatch Indy - the lap record is 44 something) and in line with their more
> realistic drive times.
> 16) Don't force us to jettison all the skills we have learnt on TOCA 1 -
> ie keep the basic driving and physics model broadly similar but fix the
> problem where the front wheel drive cars sometimes behave like rear wheel
> ones. And make the four drive Audis behave as such.
> 17) Save best laps achieved in qualification and not just time-trial ones.

> 18) Allow best lap to be loaded from a directory of choice. It's a pain
> having to faff around backing up own best laps and copying downloaded ones
> in directory.
> 19) Optionally give us more laps to qualify from.
> 20) Make all levels of championship hard level not easy ones easy and
> later ones harder. Or let us select the degree of difficulty of the
> championship.
> 21) Have the two races at a meet a sprint race and a feature race just
> like the 1998 season.
> 22) Include the independants and perhaps change and improve the car
> performance for the works models during the season but not for the
> independants so that they fall off down the ranking during the season just
> like the real thing.
> 23) Don't kick drivers out of the championship at least not out of new
> only hard level one.
> 24) Telemetry so we can analyse are race performance (not out race setup).

> 25) Brake lights on ghost car so we can see where it's braking.
> 26) Flags yellow blue etc just like real race.
> 27) Have lapped cars let you pass and certainly not try and knock you off.

> 28) Road graphics that show the tyre marks of other drivers.
> 29) Real time rendered cars.

> And what TOCA should not lose are:
> 1) The level of driving realism it has. People claim that once you begin
> to lose the car there's no way back. I say pratice more. The tyres do
> squeal and the car does jerk before you lose it but only fractionally so
> and you CAN recover and if you start to spin - you just have to develop
> the reactions and knowledge of what to do. Please don't make it too easy.
> 2) The simplicity of the interface. Please don't bury us with layers of
> car setups. Some enjoy this - but there are plenty of sims to satisfy
> them. In any case how can you model the setting when the car parts are
> constantly changing through the season. I want a realistic sim without all
> that. Please leave us TOCA and leave the complex setting to the
> super-sims. Let us drive world rating laps without having to get under the
> bonnet (hood).
> 3) Don't make it arcadey like Grand Turismo, Need-for-speed or NICE -
> there are plenty of them as well. I hate the cartoon skies, lavaland and
> and all that. Please leave them as optional extras and leave us models of
> real tracks, real cars and real championships. By all means add extra
> tracks. How about the Aussie Touring Car championship - that's really
> close to the British one. But is you do include it setup the cars to match
> it and keep the Aussie cars to the Aussie championship and the British
> ones to the BTCC.
> 4) Preserve the same car handling in easy modes as ***es. Don't make
> an easy handling mode and a difficult one.
> 5) Don't get drawn down silly paths like off-road racing. Make people buy
> Colin McRae rally if they want that. Or some arcade game.

> I'll probably think of more things immediately I hit the send button. I
> would be more than willing to give you as much assistance as I can. If
> you're looking for beta-testers....
> Thanks very much for TOCA - you've given a lot of us a lot of pleasure.

> PJ

> > Official announcement from Codemasters:

> > We are currently developing TOCA 2 for release this Christmas.
> > Although the design brief has already been worked out, we would be
> > interested to hear posts from you on the following two points:

> > 1, What new features would you like to see in the game. I should point
> > out that _every_ message posted in this news group has already been
> > read and the points raised addressed, so there is no need to re-post
> > old points/messages. i.e. we will have native graphics card versions
> > of TOCA 2 including Glide, all the tracks unlocked from the beginning,
> > car set-up, pits, mirrors, arcade/simulation modes etc...

> > 2, What hardware problems did you have with TOCA 2 and what solutions,
> > if any, did you find. (controllers, graphics cards, sound cards,
> > general machine problems etc).

> > Thanks,

> > Gavin Raeburn
> > TOCA 2 producer

Paul Jone

TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Paul Jone » Wed, 08 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Corection to point 20:
20) Let us select the degree of difficulty of the championship.When we select
hard make all levels of championship hard level not the early races easy and
later ones harder.
In case I get misunderstood I am not suggesting off-road racing is silly. What
I meant was that it's silly to have highly-tuned circuit BTCC Touring Cars
drive off-road. I shall be buying, and almost certainly enjoying Colin McRae

> Gavin,

> Great news!!!

> TOCA is very special - certainly my very favorite sim. Remember you can't
> please all the people all the time - some people want complex sims where
> half the work is done in setups and some people want arcade games that are
> fun but bear little relation to reality. TOCA is special (almost unique)
> because it fits in so nicely between these two. It is realistic without
> being complex and you can race in realistic races without a degree in car
> mecanics. So please don't kill off all the good things in TOCA and ignore
> the very many of us who love TOCA in part because of the lovely balance it
> strikes. Also BTCC is not like F1, Indy, Le Mans, Nascar or Rally and
> certainly not Need For Speed or Grand Turismo. Please don't be influenced
> by people who understand other formulas in great depth but not necessarily
> Touring Cars.

> What TOCA 2 should have is:
> 1) Race and time-trial replays from above, outside, inside etc.
> 2) Real damage (optional) and not just visual.
> 3) Record best splits so we can improve and review our times.
> 4) A non-crackable checksum algoritm.
> 5) Don't include the flexmobile in the best laps or your website hall of
> fame. It's not realistic.
> 6) Don't make the AI drivers so foolishly aggressive or punish them with
> warnings and spins.
> 7) Update to the 1998 season with the Nescafe Blend 37 Renault's etc.
> 8) Include pit-stops with option of changing side wheels or front wheels
> and reflect the choice in the performance of the car.
> 9) Improve the graphics but don't lose the feel of speed.
> 10) Support for wheels that support independant brake/throttle.
> 11) Tyre changes as only setttings.
> 12) Variable weather to tempt us into the pits for a tyre change when it
> turns inclement mid-race.
> 13) In race commentary (optional).
> 14) Option to turn off ghost car completely.
> 15) Make the AI drivers qualification times realistic (39.19 round Brands
> Hatch Indy - the lap record is 44 something) and in line with their more
> realistic drive times.
> 16) Don't force us to jettison all the skills we have learnt on TOCA 1 -
> ie keep the basic driving and physics model broadly similar but fix the
> problem where the front wheel drive cars sometimes behave like rear wheel
> ones. And make the four drive Audis behave as such.
> 17) Save best laps achieved in qualification and not just time-trial ones.

> 18) Allow best lap to be loaded from a directory of choice. It's a pain
> having to faff around backing up own best laps and copying downloaded ones
> in directory.
> 19) Optionally give us more laps to qualify from.
> 20) Make all levels of championship hard level not easy ones easy and
> later ones harder. Or let us select the degree of difficulty of the
> championship.
> 21) Have the two races at a meet a sprint race and a feature race just
> like the 1998 season.
> 22) Include the independants and perhaps change and improve the car
> performance for the works models during the season but not for the
> independants so that they fall off down the ranking during the season just
> like the real thing.
> 23) Don't kick drivers out of the championship at least not out of new
> only hard level one.
> 24) Telemetry so we can analyse are race performance (not out race setup).

> 25) Brake lights on ghost car so we can see where it's braking.
> 26) Flags yellow blue etc just like real race.
> 27) Have lapped cars let you pass and certainly not try and knock you off.

> 28) Road graphics that show the tyre marks of other drivers.
> 29) Real time rendered cars.

> And what TOCA should not lose are:
> 1) The level of driving realism it has. People claim that once you begin
> to lose the car there's no way back. I say pratice more. The tyres do
> squeal and the car does jerk before you lose it but only fractionally so
> and you CAN recover and if you start to spin - you just have to develop
> the reactions and knowledge of what to do. Please don't make it too easy.
> 2) The simplicity of the interface. Please don't bury us with layers of
> car setups. Some enjoy this - but there are plenty of sims to satisfy
> them. In any case how can you model the setting when the car parts are
> constantly changing through the season. I want a realistic sim without all
> that. Please leave us TOCA and leave the complex setting to the
> super-sims. Let us drive world rating laps without having to get under the
> bonnet (hood).
> 3) Don't make it arcadey like Grand Turismo, Need-for-speed or NICE -
> there are plenty of them as well. I hate the cartoon skies, lavaland and
> and all that. Please leave them as optional extras and leave us models of
> real tracks, real cars and real championships. By all means add extra
> tracks. How about the Aussie Touring Car championship - that's really
> close to the British one. But is you do include it setup the cars to match
> it and keep the Aussie cars to the Aussie championship and the British
> ones to the BTCC.
> 4) Preserve the same car handling in easy modes as ***es. Don't make
> an easy handling mode and a difficult one.
> 5) Don't get drawn down silly paths like off-road racing. Make people buy
> Colin McRae rally if they want that. Or some arcade game.

> I'll probably think of more things immediately I hit the send button. I
> would be more than willing to give you as much assistance as I can. If
> you're looking for beta-testers....
> Thanks very much for TOCA - you've given a lot of us a lot of pleasure.

> PJ

> > Official announcement from Codemasters:

> > We are currently developing TOCA 2 for release this Christmas.
> > Although the design brief has already been worked out, we would be
> > interested to hear posts from you on the following two points:

> > 1, What new features would you like to see in the game. I should point
> > out that _every_ message posted in this news group has already been
> > read and the points raised addressed, so there is no need to re-post
> > old points/messages. i.e. we will have native graphics card versions
> > of TOCA 2 including Glide, all the tracks unlocked from the beginning,
> > car set-up, pits, mirrors, arcade/simulation modes etc...

> > 2, What hardware problems did you have with TOCA 2 and what solutions,
> > if any, did you find. (controllers, graphics cards, sound cards,
> > general machine problems etc).

> > Thanks,

> > Gavin Raeburn
> > TOCA 2 producer

Claude Lecler

TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Claude Lecler » Wed, 08 Jul 1998 04:00:00

-***pit view with working gauge.


TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Crai » Wed, 08 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Thanks for asking the ppl that Drive.......

I think u should include a paint editor .  I have found some heaps
better looking car paint jobs on the net  than were provided with Gp2
and F1rs ,   Or at liest make it easy for other ppl to make batch
files to easly patch existing carsets,   I think this would give your
new game a much greater live span
My 2 cents worth

Isaac Wilso

TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Isaac Wilso » Wed, 08 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Sell it in the United States!!! In the Washington D.C. area, not just

Isaac Wilson
R/C Adrenalin "...some play golf, we race r/c touring cars..."

Mike Turne

TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Mike Turne » Wed, 08 Jul 1998 04:00:00

The option to "not" have a ghost appear on the second lap or any lap for
that matter when hotlapping, unless of course you have set one to chase
via a "ghost select" option.

Very off-puting to have a ghost, and a very solid one at that, sliding
about under you while trying to beat your previous best lap.

I could do with some greater sensitivity adjustment for steering using a
TM GP1, i have to edit dinput.dll to 0% atm to get somewhere close to

Better visibility from the "in***pit" view even if it means removing
the "A" posts from view.

Look at F1RS for how to do some things and how not to do others<s>

Speed up the track loads please.


Mike.....also available for Beta or Alpha testing!


   06:38  on  07/07/98
   From sunny Herne Bay, Kent.UK.
   mailable also at

   remove NO-SPAM to mail me.


TOCA 2 design - your input please...

by Nick » Wed, 08 Jul 1998 04:00:00

Well done for asking the ng for feedback.

I'd like to see TOCA extended beyond the BTCC if at all possible. A
selection of some of the better international tracks, such as Bathurst
here in Australia would be cool. Support for full length endurance races
(allowing for pitstop strategies) at the venues that run them would also
be nice.

I know it's a tall order but you asked <g>

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