definitely very tricky to try and find the button that's shows you where
the car behind is while approaching a slow corner. Even if you manage
this, the view takes up the entire screen so by the time you discover that
you need to drive defensively you've probably lost the racing line anyway
and defensive driving becomes less important than just staying on the
track. In reality you have to rely on the sound of the engine of the car
behind you.
> Official announcement from Codemasters:
> We are currently developing TOCA 2 for release this Christmas.
> Although the design brief has already been worked out, we would be
> interested to hear posts from you on the following two points:
> 1, What new features would you like to see in the game. I should point
> out that _every_ message posted in this news group has already been
> read and the points raised addressed, so there is no need to re-post
> old points/messages. i.e. we will have native graphics card versions
> of TOCA 2 including Glide, all the tracks unlocked from the beginning,
> car set-up, pits, mirrors, arcade/simulation modes etc...
> 2, What hardware problems did you have with TOCA 2 and what solutions,
> if any, did you find. (controllers, graphics cards, sound cards,
> general machine problems etc).
> Thanks,
> Gavin Raeburn
> TOCA 2 producer