>I found that my NumLock was off, and I did indeed have "active only
>when GPL is running" checked. Once I turned NumLock back on and
>unchecked the box, I was able to get GPLOMe to work with Notepad.
>However, it still does NOT work with GPL!
>The blue title bar at the top of GPLOme says " GPLOMe 1.1 (inactive) ". I'm
>using a wireless keyboard. Could that relate to the problem?
>Any other ideas on what might be wrong?
Hmm. If you uncheck all the checkmarks in the 'Edit/Additional settings'
dialog then it should say 'inactive' only if the GPLOMe window itself is
active. Otherwise it should switch to 'active'.
Clearing all the checkmarks is probably step one in troubleshooting.
Step two could be to choose some keys which are less...suspicious :)
I think the number pad could be a bad choice, since it might have
some special meaning, and it might depend on some other variables
(numlock on/off, gpl using the numpad for replay control..etc..).
Assign one simple key, like 'q', and try that. First check that it
works in notepad and then in GPL.
Next you could to try the other tricks suggested here. Disabling
Logitech software or some such, if you have any of those. Other
than that I'm unable to come up with further suggestions. GPLOMe
uses a small 'trick' to make Windows beleive you are typing on
your keyboard. It might not always work if there is a program
not using the std ways to read keyboard input, or if you have
some other magic program in between which also intercepts keyboard
presses. Your wireless keyboard could possibly be the problem
if it uses some special keyboard driver.