To use GPLSeason with GPL 1.1 do the following -
a) Install the GPL 1.1 patch
b) Start GPLSeason
c) Choose Options... from the File menu
d) Blank out the GPL Directory field and choose OK
A message saying 'Couldn't open gpl.exe' will appear - choose OK
e) Choose Options.. from the File menu again
f) Enter your GPL directory into the GPL Directory fielld and choose OK
The above procedure causes GPLSeason to re-search gpl.exe for the
information it needs to change.
This has worked successfully for me for the US version - I haven't seen the
others but I would expect the same procedure to work.
Nigel Pattinson
> Yeah. Basically I've had problems as well.
> I did a full reinstall (backing up by driver, setups, replays etc).
> Then patched (GPL 1.1 that is).
> I then successfully applied the CarSound (7 sounds) patch, and this is
> I have also managed to manually add those Andrew Olley (?) redline tacho
>***pits for the cars, plus the masked driver face.
> I have not been able to update the cars, drivers etc however, using GPL
> Season. DO NOT use this is my only advice, and wait for GPaL to come out
> before trying to rebuild the 67 season so that it matches KOTRs old 67
> patch.
> Sorry about that.
> Gavin
> >I installed the patch last night on a clean gpl.exe file from the CD, as
> >had previously patched this with both GPLSeason and the Carsound patch
> >Nigel Pattison.
> >The patch was successful and I then tried to load KOTR's 1.4 1967
> >GPLSeason reported that this was successful so I ran GPL. Under team
> >information the Coventry and Murasama details had not been updated to
> Cooper
> >and Honda. On trying to enter the car either in race, practice or
> >GPL would then lock and I would need a reboot. GPL Season had been set
> >patch teams, drivers etc.
> >I tried this again as I had previously backed up GPL and found the same
> >results. This time I tried to load information from GPL into GPLSeason,
> >details shown are completely wrong, the Brabham Repco shows that it had
> >valves for example under the team tab in GPLSeason, other fields were
> >populated by non alpha-numeric characters.
> >It looks to me like the offsets that GPLSeason use are no longer valid
> >trying to patch the UK version of GPL.EXE version 1.1
> >Has anyone else noticed this problem or found any suitable solutions.
> >Regards
> >Gary Tall