I guess it does not, at least for GPL and N4: I completely ruined my MSFF
wheel (USB) calibration by fiddling with DXTweak on win98 but the two papy
sims continue to work flawlessly. This is *not* the case for F1 2001 which
can not even detect my brake pedal anymore.
Note that this is neither a rant against DXTweak or the proposed fix. I just
tried to tweak the controls after reading (a bit too quickly, I admit) the
original post by Pat Dotson and in what future generations will widely
regard as a bad move, I mistakenly set the "center" value for both pedal
axes to zero, while "*close* to the *min* value" obviously (now) means 63-1
= 62.
Guess it is time to clear calibration data and reinstall the wheel, then
*carefully* use DXTweak again.
Must...pay...more..attention...to...warnings (banging head against
OTOH, if anyone from EA reads this (and I know you are, just to get an easy
laugh at us pathetic simmers), PLEASE fix the brain-dead controller settings
logic (huge pedals "deadzone" and 50% sensitivity means linear steering, oh
come on !) spoiling an otherwise excellent sim. I should not even *need*
DXTweak, damnit.