% I just bought a Thrustmaster Nascar Pro wheel and pedals and I'm not
% sure if they are calibating correctly because in GPL the arms of the
% driver shake badly even when I'm in the pits. What can I do to correct
% this? I have a Thrustmaster ACM card and have use the calibration
% program with it. The Propanel program that came on a CD with the
% Thrustmaster is installed also. When I use it though in WIN95 contol
% panel, the crosshairs are not lined up in the middle of the calibration
% chart and do not move much as all whem I turn the wheel.
% Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks to anyone who
% responds.
Do you have the gameport on your soundcard totally disabled? This may
be caused by cross polling both the soundcard's gameport and the ACM.
Win95 calibrations don't seem to show much movement on the screen.
One suggestion, try turning off the pedals and see if the steering still
shows shakey in GPL.
Do you get the same results with direct input vs. generic?
Does TMScope show a shakey cross-hair for the steering?
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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