There is a trick to getting the controller set up properly.
Go to Your Rally Trophy folder, open the settings folder, and open the data
folder. You will see a file named input.ini
Copy this text below and replay everything in your input.ini file with this.
I have the same setup, minus the shifter. I can't help you with that one.
Copy everything in between the lines of astericks.
# How many control events are buffered
BufferSize = 8;
# Converts analog steering to digital
# (for gamepads that are reported as analog, but give nearly digital
ForceDigitalSteering = 0;
# Minimum & maximum values for input devices
AxisMinValue = -1000;
AxisMaxValue = 1000;
# Values for exponential functions
# ( 1.0 = no effect, bigger values give less sensitivity, smaller more)
SteeringExponent = 1.2;
ThrottleExponent = 1.0;
BrakeExponent = 1.5;
# Set this to 1 if you want to use following custom ranges instead of
detected values
OverrideRanges = 1;
# Steering input range
# (100% left, 100% right)
AnalogXAxisRange = {-1000, 1000};
# (often brake)
AnalogYAxisRange = { -1000, 1000};
# (often acceleration)
AnalogZAxisRange = { 1000, -1000};
# Rotational
AnalogRXAxisRange = { 1000, -1000};
AnalogRYAxisRange = { 1000, -1000};
# (often a rudded control)
AnalogRZAxisRange = { -1000, 1000};
Glen Pittman